2. Reunion

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Y/n POV 

All of a sudden I went from being one the accountants of the Amazonian to being a basic member of the fifth cohort. No one even batted an eye most didn't care others respected Reyna so they didn't question her and her sister's decision. 

But one person was stupid enough to question Reyna and it was no other than the teddy bear murderer, Octavian. The guy didn't do anything in fact he was very handsome but he was full of himself and bad vibes. He just questioned if I didn't have clothes that I wore a T-shirt of camp Jupiter weirdass question could've been phrased better. Reyna just informed him to hold a assembly during tonight's war games. I sort of remembered what it was but just vague memories. 


Y/n laughed and joked around with her friends sitting at the fifth cohorts table. 

"Everyone will report to Field of mars war games will begin shortly."

"Hey guys, I'll be back. I will go get my weapon from my bunk plus I need a bit of time to wear armour" y/n said.

"Do you need help? I'll come along" says a guy drenched in red liquid(don't know what happened to him).

"It's fine."

I was about to reach my camp and I saw someone

It was Some guy in glasses wearing a animal crossing definition of cool  jacket (a.k.a. Flames on bottom and fully black otherwise).

"Take her to Amazon they'll teach and protect her." 

Someone picked me up 


Spoiler alert: they didn't take me back but I didn't kill them. I know pathetic 

Flashback over

As soon as I told this to Reyna she deciphered that the guy was Mars(this girl is extremely smart like damn). That means my father took me to Amazon because it will help my faith. I told her everything and 

Reyna: "I don't want you to freak out"

Y/n: "10/10 start I'm definitely not panicking"

Reyna: " I had a dream that I think I understand now, in my dreams Mars came and talked about how Amazonian are his  honorary  daughter. And that one was his actual daughter related to his most special son."

Y/n: "Is special good or bad? Like he has something special or he's just bad at everything special."

Reyna: "No, good special. You're a sister of Frank Zhang."

Y/n: " And you think that because?"

Reyna: "He can shapeshift into any animal he wants. That's pretty special."(Author here I don't remember if the Romans knew about Frank's power in Mark of Athena, so we'll just assume that only Reyna knows)

I didn't want to be caught off guard because it is one of the first lessons that you get in Amazon but wow that was too much to handle. I had a brother, a family who knows maybe I'll get to meet them. 

Reyna: "I know it is a lot to handle but right now we'll go to fifth cohort explain everything to Frank and you guys can have your reunion." 

I'm not going to explain what happened cause I'm embarrassed long story short I started crying followed by Frank followed by Percy (I don't know what his problem is, he didn't exactly cry but was just kind of upset). Anyways we hugged including Percy of course(I'm already accepting him as a brother, I would adopt him if I could) Also one more thing this is the happiest I have felt in awhile. 

Then, Percy talked to Reyna about some of his friends coming and told to not shoot them on sight. 

Reyna took the lead from there. 

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