6. Awkward day

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Y/n POV 

I talk to very limited amount of people on the ship 



Nico (and Leo but he's out).

So I don't know if you know how awkward it is when the only people you talk to are out. So now you have to talk to people you admire. Ok, so it's not like I don't talk to Pieper and Jason it's just that I don't talk to them very much just not as often. And now that I have burned bridges with Leo I don't have anyone. 

Anyways when I went to mess hall. All three of them were eating. Piper invited me to eat I was going to anyways but it felt nice when someone was nice to me. I know I was mad at Leo and all but it was a unwritten rule that the seats were assigned. I ate my favourite noodles with a said of eggs. Eggs are good in every form maybe not raw but they're great fight me on that. 

Jason: So, y/n. You were a Amazon right? Do you have any stories? 

Y/n: Well, I joined the Amazons at the age of 8 after I was kidnapped by my own father. They were very nice especially Doris...... Um anyways. I mostly did short range fighting with sword but I use the sword also. We were taught to fight on horses because it was a important skill. We got to eat anything we wanted. I was never on frontline as I was younger than most. So the war in camp Jupiter and the few fights I have been through are some of my first fights. 

I remember when Hylla joined us. I befriended her even though like older than me by 6 years. I think I was around 10 or 11. She was like the older sister I never had. I mostly just miss her as I didn't have any friends—

Leo: Loser.

Piper: Leo what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Sorry y/n he's usually not a little bitch Like he is being right now. 

Y/n: it's fine I was finished anyways. Plus I don't expect anything less from you Leo. I know how you're so you don't surprise me anymore. I'm done eating. See you guys I'll keep lookout with coach. Bye. By the way, Leo you're a dork. 

Leo's POV 

Ok I know that she meant the dork as a insult but dam. I felt another level of butterflies when she called me that. Now, I'm going to face the wrath of McLean and Grace. Gods save me.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU LEO" They said together. No wonder they're dating. "I.... Because she's a loser." 

'She's the best thing that'll happen to you. That girl is so nice. You clearly want to bang her. I mean look at you you're all red ever since she called you a dork." Piper said.

"I'm 16, Piper why would you say that. And I'm red because of anger." I said. "Oh right and I definitely can't understand the difference between love and anger. It's not like I'm the daughter of Aphrodite. Wait."

"Bro, you like her just accept it. I would even go as far to say that she also liked a few days ago. But you ruined it. What's happening? I know you're nuts but I didn't know you were this nuts." Jason said. "Guys she's a idiot. Why would I like her? Also she never liked me. I think she likes Nico anyways. So it doesn't matter." 

"Oh that's why you're annoyed. Oh don't worry they have more of a sibling love. It's different when people are attracted to each other. She looks at Nico like she looks at Frank and I know they aren't from Alabama. So Nico is not a obstacle." Piper said.

"The point is I don't care. And I don't like her so stop it." 


Honestly I don't like it when people are mean to me. No one does except maybe people who like enemies to lovers. I wanted to cry. But then I saw Hazel and Nico coming with a tall guy. Coach hedge wanted to shoot the ballistae but he could hurt Hazel and Nico anytime he wanted, so we waited for him to be aboard.  When they were aboard I quickly pressed my sword into that guy's neck lightly so I don't kill him. "Where is my brother?" "Who are you?" "Hazel, Nico what is he doing with you. Where is Frank?" The guys started laughing his voice was familiar. "FRANK? What happened? What?" 

I yelled too loud and now Leo, Piper and Jason were here. With their weapons. "Guys, it's just Frank. And something happened." "What happened Frankie?" "Please don't call me that I'm your brother but please don't. Also, remove your sword. Please." "Sorry bro I didn't realise I was doing that."

Gods, I feel like such a proud big sister. My brother is growing up he killed those cow anteater weird things on his own. He's so brave. His act of bravery even summoned our father. He told us that he was just able to say That his act of bravery and leadership was yet to come. I felt like he was hiding something. Anyways, a weirder thing. He told me I should talk to Leo. He said that today he realised that it's the best that they're united. I don't know but I felt like him telling me to talk to Leo and not telling the whole thing that Mars said were connected. 

Maybe I'm overthinking. Who knows? I definitely don't. 

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