12. Leo flys high

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I don't know how much I slept but it was pretty good. 

"Why is the couch not red? Why is my shoulder heavy?"

The warm thing was indeed not the couch it was Mr. Leo Valdez himself. Thank the gods I didn't drool. And the heavy shoulder, his arm was there.

I jumped when I saw what I was doing why tf was I up in his neck? "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine you didn't bother me."

"Why did no one wake me up?"

Then Piper replied to my question "Leo, sound the alarms."

Her charmspeak was a lot in that it showed because punched the alarm button like if he didn't he'll fly out of his seat. 

"Uh, it's disconnected," he said. "Festus is shut down. Gimme a minute to get the system back online."

"We don't have a minute! Fires—we need vials of Greek fire. Jason, call the winds. Warm, southerly winds."

"Wait, what?" Jason stared at her in confusion. "Piper, what's wrong?"

"It's her!" Piper snatched up her dagger. "She's back! We have to—"

Before she could finish, the boat listed to port. The temperature dropped so fast, the sails crackled with ice. The bronze shields along the rails popped like over-pressurized soda cans.

Jason drew his sword, but it was too late. A wave of ice particles swept over him, coating him like a glazed donut and freezing him in place. Under a layer of ice, his eyes were wide with amazement.

"Leo! Flames! Now!" Piper yelled.

Leo's right hand blazed, but the wind swirled around him and doused the fire. Leo clutched his Archimedes sphere as a funnel cloud of sleet lifted him off his feet. 

"Hey!" he yelled. "Hey! Let me go!"

Piper ran toward him, but a voice in the storm said, "Oh, yes, Leo Valdez. I will let you go permanently."

Leo shot up in the sky. I tried to catch him but he was gone. Gone with the wind. I thought it wouldn't be appropriate for y/n to say. Signing off author.

"Piper I'll kill them you stay here."

"Y/n, the people we are fighting are immortal. I'll go pretend like I'm all alone damsel in distress. You hide behind some items and attack when I give you the signal."

I don't like putting people in danger but Piper's plan was efficient. So I comply. I felt so numb and angry all that with too much adrenaline. I don't remember much but I remember Piper sweet talking some strange people(2 boys, 1 girl).

Also, she activated Festus somehow just by charmspeaking. Why can't I just talk to people like that. 

Then, I killed the boys. Piper took their knife and stabbed the girl in the heart. I was close to a bomb? When it exploded so I had a broken arm now it was so bad that even after eating ambrosia I had to wear an arm sling for 2 days. Piper blamed herself for it. Sometimes I just wish I could suck out everyone's guilt I hate seeing them this way. Anyways,

Day 1: I was just balling my eyes out in Franks shirt in the morning. Frank just held me while I cried while Hazel was lightly brushing my hair with her fingers she was leaned against Frank. I don't think that I have cried this much in a long time. At Amazon we were considered weak of we cried I agree but the guilt of me not having the ability to save Leo was too much. I didn't eat anything except for ambrosia because whenever I did I just vomited it out. Piper tried to charmspeak me out of the crying but that's didn't work for long.

Im so thankful to have a great considerate caring brother and sister-in-law. I know it's too soon but they're a perfect couple. Gods bless them.

By day 2 I had calmed a bit down. That is also when I noticed I had a necklace in my neck. When I asked Piper about it she told me that Leo made it for me and he put it in my neck while I was sleeping. I did get teary eyed but didn't cry because my friends and brother need me. 

We were all working on the ship I was trying my best to remember everything Leo had taught me but it had been difficult as many things were broken. Frazel and coach hedge were trying to fix the oars. I was trying my hardest to give them proper instructions. Eventually I thought we were done. I pulled some levers.

 The port oars went crazy, chopping up and down and doing the wave. Coach Hedge tried to dodge, but one smacked him in the rear and launched him into the air. He came down screaming and splashed into the bay. Frazel helped him while I laughed my ass off like the psycho daughter of Mars I am. 

Jason got called to Auster or the south wind god's office no Palace you stupid fucker. I cornered Nico after so long. I took him the the medbay or our room. "Nico, why weren't you sleeping? I talked to everyone and all them thought you slept at night. What is up? You have been avoiding me I wanted to talk to you. Why do you not understand how important you are?"

His sceptre was glowing purple because it has synced to his emotions. I did get scared but I don't care if he kills me I would love that if he doesn't die. 

"You want to know y/n? Alright I'll tell you. I don't sleep because anytime I have gotten comfortable anywhere I have been either kicked out or treated like an outsider. You weren't in camp half-blood when the Titan war happened right? I was praised for a week by everyone. Finally, I thought I had found my place my comfort but guess what? After a week I was the loner, weirdo son of Hades. I worked very hard, harder than most of them but after a week all my recognition, hard work gone. 

At Camp Jupiter, I was shunned because I was the son of Pluto they didn't require a reason to hate me. I was shunned from there too. If I go way back, when I arrived to Camp half-blood I was treated somewhat normally. I was finally relaxed after so long with my sister, Bianca. But then she left me to join the hunters. That was fine but then she went on a quest and DIED! Percy Jackson promised to protect her. But he didn't. I summoned skeletons to kill him but I couldn't because I loved—"

Just then he stopped, suddenly everything made sense. Why he was so uncomfortable around Percy. He loved him he was gay. 

"Nico, I'm fine with you and your past. At Argo II you don't have to live uncomfortably, you have to trust us. It's fine. Now you're not the lonely boy who left Camp half-blood. You have Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Leo and me. Please just try to listen to me. I may not be your sister but I care about you. Please, I try not to care a lot about new people. I don't trust them but you have something that made me trust you. Trust me, I know you're capable of protecting yourself but I'll protect you from everything. When all of this is over. I'll come with you to Camp Half-blood I'll not leave you Nico. If you want to talk any further. Just tell me, I will drop everything."

By the end, Nico's Dicelton's sceptre was glowing a very faint yellowish purple. I figured he was feeling something positive because the opposite of purple is yellow. I was about to leave. 

Piper came into our room and told us not to come above deck because Jason had got some fiery horses from Notus that'll help us get away from staying in one place. 

Great, I gave Nico all this speech. I don't know if he'll even talk to me after this.  

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