14. Welcome back

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Y/n POV 

I do know it's quiet pathetic but I think Leo is ignoring me. Something had happened with this Calypso. What if he loved Calypso? I'm happy of course. I'm glad he found someone it's great. But I don't know thinking that it is the truth hurt me inside. I know it's nothing but I don't know it's this weird feeling it's like when Kinzie once punched me in the chest while training but it was that but 10x and no one was actually punching me. 

"Hot and steamy!" Leo grinned at the helm. "Makes me homesick for Houston! What do you say, Hazel? All we need now are some giant mosquitoes, and it'll feel just like the Gulf Coast!"

"Thanks a lot, Leo," Hazel grumbled. "We'll probably get attacked by Ancient Greek mosquito monsters now." 

I loved how easily they interacted now. It almost felt like the tension between Hazel and Leo had got in between me and him. It was very strange I would put more thought but I have harpies to stab. "There!" Nico's voice shook Me out of my thoughts. As usual, di Angelo was perched atop the foremast. He pointed toward a glittering green river snaking through the hills a kilometer away. "Maneuver us that way. We're close to the temple. Very close."

Jason strapped on his sword belt. "Everyone, arm yourself. Leo, get us close, but don't land—no more contact with the ground than necessary. Piper, Hazel, get the mooring ropes."

"On it!" Piper said.

Hazel gave Frank a peck on the cheek and ran to help. "Frank," Jason called, "get below and find Coach Hedge." "Yep!" I was with my bracelet. Wearing the armour and wielding my sword.  Frank went to check in on coach. I discovered a new power, I can summon armours for other people on my wish. So I just kind of summoned armour for everyone. Apparently it's The Mars power. Someone else also had it back at Camp Jupiter. Jason told me. 

Frank came back with Coach. 

Leo grabbed Frank, Hazel and me by the arms. He dragged us to the aft ballista. "Okay, here's the plan."

Hazel narrowed her eyes. "I hate your plans." "Agreed" I said. 

"I need that piece of magic firewood," Leo said. "Snappy!"

Frank nearly choked on his own tongue. I covered Hazel as she backed away, instinctively covering her coat pocket. "Leo, you can't—"

"I found a solution." Leo turned to Frank. "It's your call, big guy, but I can protect you." For a strange reason I trusted him but not my place. Then Frank turned to me as if to ask should I?  I nodded yes.

"Go ahead, Hazel," Frank said.

"But..." Hazel took a deep breath. "Okay." She took out the piece of firewood and handed it to Leo.

In Leo's hands, it wasn't much bigger than a screwdriver. The tinder was still charred on one side from where Frank had used it to burn through the icy chains that had imprisoned the god Thanatos in Alaska. I remember him telling me. I can't express how proud I'm of my little great brother. 

From a pocket of his tool belt, Leo produced a piece of white cloth. "Behold!"

Frank scowled. "A handkerchief?"

"A surrender flag?" Hazel guessed.

"Doll's cloth. Wait no I change my answer I also go with surrender flag." I said. Where did the doll even come from?

"No, unbelievers!" Leo said. "This is a pouch woven from seriously cool fabric—a gift from a friend of mine."

Leo slipped the firewood into the pouch and closed it with a drawstring. 

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