5. The ship is completely clean

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Narrator's POV 

First, Leo told his hilarious story everyone was laughing except you guessed it y/n. She would laugh if it wasn't Leo but she couldn't risk him getting his ego inflated. After that, Piper told them about the visions she saw in katopris it was of her, Percy and Jason drowning other was of her seeing Bacchus at Topeka 32 mile marker. So that decided where they were going for final repairs. It was intimidating for everyone to think the son of Poseidon, lord of water(in a way) would start drowning. The tension was so thick someone could cut it with a knife. 

Came the night me and Leo were doing the night shift since well everyone has drained themselves also daughter of mars is a pretty good protector. Leo came and sat next to me on the floor. I'm Asian so the floor comforts me don't know why he did that. 

Leo: "I noticed you don't laugh at my jokes."

Y/n: can't let him know I hate him he's a big part   "I'm  just in my own head most times so I just don't listen."

Leo: "oh, I didn't see you eat do you want something I could get the plates for you."

Y/n: "im capable thank you. I wasn't hungry then I'll probably eat now."

Leo followed y/n to the mess. She could see right through him this guy just wanted her to like him so he could get closer to Hazel. So, if that concern and care came from someone other than Valdez she might've considered it a moment to make the person family in any way possible but it didn't so she just ate. With Leo making a small deer with some things he took out of his tool belt. She didn't pay much mind to him but noticed how he transferred his nervous energy to something productive and how his tongue stuck out a bit when he was joining something important the concentration almost made her forget that he had intense ADHD. 

After eating they went off to sleep waking up Frank and Hazel to take care of the ship. Leo had made some adjustment and moved most of healing things in a closet near deck next to the closet was a small empty room not enough to sleep in but big enough that two people could stand if they were close and turned y/n's Medbay into a proper room. They went off to sleep and woke up Jason and Piper to take charge. 

At night when she slept she saw her father

Mars: when you wake up check your pocket it has something important it will return to you if you lose it try not to use all three at once. It's not dangerous but if you lose the band all your weapons will disappear. It has a symbol of someone you'll love. 

Then something weird happened, he was suddenly dressed more casually and talking in a different tone. 

I jolted awake and heard someone knocking when she opened the door she saw the smile of her little brother. It made her feel better. He said that Percy, Jason and Piper are going to Topeka to find Bacchus. I immediately changed my clothes and ran towards them. Wished them to be safe and watched as they went. Then, she had her breakfast with Frank and Hazel they were a bit late since they were waiting for her then all of a sudden Leo came and sat next to y/n. It has almost became an unspeakable rule that Leo will not sit next to Hazel which made y/n feel better. But Leo was following the unspeakable rule of trying to make y/n laugh and smile not because he liked her or anything just because he wanted everyone to think Leo was great and she was the only one not on Team  Leo. 

Frank decided to keep lookout and turn into a crow since Leo can't keep his mouth shut he commented that "why would you want to turn into a crow when you can turn into a dragon"

Frank: "because it takes a lot more energy. It's like when you lift weights you don't go your full limit right away."

Leo: "oh I wouldn't know about that I don't lift." 

Frank: "well you should, Mr-"

Hazel interjected y/n wanted to see what her brother would say but Hazel wanted peace. So sad.


Piper came back with Percy and Jason unconscious and Percy had a horseshoe mark on his head. Anyways, we tended them to care mostly Annabeth and piper did. Afterwards, when we were having lunch piper suggested to use her charm speak(at the time I didn't really understand why). Suddenly, Percy, Jason and Leo's eyes turn gold and Frank fell back. I helped him up and Piper made the eidolons swear on river Styx to never possess any of her friends and never get on Argo 2. Gods that was so terrifying Frank did feel useless after that I tried to cheer him up and then called Hazel she made him feel better(gods so frazel).

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