13. Teasing

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Y/n POV 

For what felt like 2 hours we just sat in silence then Nico said "I know you love Leo. You should confess to him. You aren't as high as Bianca but you're still my sister. I want you to be happy."

In a normal situation I would've cried but the Leo comment threw me off. "Nico, I'm tired of this. I don't like Leo we are just friends. I have gotten closer to him but I don't like him like that let alone love. By the way that was very sweet. You are also my brother. The chiller one not so protective."

"It's very obvious you like him. I have talked to Hazel about it she also senses your guy's connection and Frank is fine with your relationship so don't hold back because of him. I told Hazel to convince him and he responded well to it. He didn't need much convincing."


I guess I yelled too loudly because Frank and Hazel were in my room. 

"Hey guys don't you think Y/n likes Leo?"

"She does is there any debate" Hazel asked.

"I mean look at them. Such a power couple. The way he asked for Hazel's help to find those quartz. The way she cried when he was gone." Frank said. I think he's being sarcastic because those examples are horrendous.

"And how just a moment before she was so giddy when Piper said that we were going to Leo" Nico added helpfully.

"Why are you guys ganging up on me. I don't like Leo. I was sad because he's my friend, I was happy because he is my FRIEND. He made me this necklace because he wanted to thank me. Some people's love language is acts of service." 

"Love language" Hazel snickered.

"You know what I'm going."

"Don't worry we won't tell your lover that you like him. Even if he clearly likes you. How could someone be this oblivious? It's painful to watch you guys sometimes." Frank said.

"You know what I'm going to sleep."

Then I just took a pillow covered my face and tried to sleep. I didn't sleep but I pretended to I don't want to be bullied this bad by people YOUNGER THAN ME. I wish Frank was more Chinese then he would at least respect his jiějie (older sister). 

Anyways I woke up, to Nico telling me to wake up as we have reached closer to Leo. I went above deck. He was sitting at an open- air café, overlooking the sea, drinking a cup of coffee and dressed in...wow—jeans, a white shirt, and an old army jacket. I don't know if I was seeing him after a long time or what but he looked more attractive and serious.

Piper nearly knocked him out of his chair with a hug. "Leo! Gods, where have you been?"

"Valdez!" Coach Hedge grinned. Then he seemed to remember he had a reputation to protect and he forced a scowl. "You ever disappear like that again, you little punk, I'll knock you into next month!"

Frank patted Leo on the back so hard it made him wince. Even Nico shook his hand.

Hazel kissed Leo on the cheek. "We thought you were dead!" Then she looked at me expecting me to be jealous. I wasn't.

Leo mustered a faint smile. "Hey, guys. Nah, nah, I'm good."

He didn't look good. I was the last person. I first lightly punched him. Sorry Mars blood. Then I side hugged him "Why did you not give me the necklace when I was awake. I love it especially the colour changing quartz. It's so cool. How did you do that?"

He suddenly tensed looking at me. It wasn't anything. I'm sure but dam he was stressing me out. "Oh I took help of Hazel, it changes randomly. Like look right now it is half pink and half yellow." 

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