6. My brother koi

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Y/n POV 

Anyways, I again had the duty at night because mostly I have trouble sleeping. It turns out Leo has the same problem. Fortunately for me my nights go fighting monsters it was decided that Jason would do the night duties with me because of aria(wind spirit) but he was hurt pretty bad so we decided it's the best to let him sleep. This night was a bit slow and suddenly it dawned on me I haven't worn the bracelet  that my father has gave me I checked my pocket and it was there. I wore it didn't feel any different than a normal bracelet.

 I wore it didn't feel any different than a normal bracelet

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(Author here sorry for shitty drawing)

Then I clicked the green bead and got a celestial bronze sword in my hand. It made fighting a lot easier since I was using an imperial gold sword which was a bit too heavy for me I didn't show any difficulty because I have an inflated ego. But this was perfect. I started seeing the red sun rays of morning so me and Leo went off to sleep. After that when I woke up to the sound of frank telling me that Percy and Annabeth were missing and let me tell you I ran out of my room and searched everywhere during this panic I also ran into Leo and fell on top of him(we decided not to talk because 2 of the most important people were missing). 

Then, my brother walked on deck  with Percy and Annabeth who he found sleeping in the stables(later he told me how adorable and peaceful they looked like he wouldn't have woken them if everyone wasn't worried).  I was very worried so I was mostly relieved.So were Jason and Piper .Hazel oh sweet Hazel that poor child was so scandalised it especially didn't help that Percy told us about him and Annabeth kissing neither did Leo mumbling " classic, classic ".  

I was still in my night dress so I went to my room to change. 

Then at breakfast Percy explained his dream about the giants Otis and Ephialtes and about Nico being trapped in a bronze jar with pomegranate seeds. Then, Hazel explained something about death trance(that worried me ngl) and how one pomegranate seed can last him one day. 

Jason and Leo those dumbasses said that they didn't trust Nico I did want to agree with them because I also had my doubts but looking at hazel's face I couldn't gather the courage to. After Hazel stomped out with Frank. 

Y/n: Jason I didn't expect that from you. She looks up to you try to be more understanding it's her brother you're talking about. As for you, Valdez I don't wish to talk to you. Don't talk to Hazel keep your distance.

Jason: but you have to understand why I had my doubts. 

Y/n: As Annabeth said earlier we need Nico for this quest. So like it or not that's what you have to work with trust him and get the quest done or don't trust him and hand world's  faith to Gaia. It's your choice. 

Festus made some mechanical sound.

Leo: that's festus we must be nearing Atlanta I'll go check with him. 

Jason: You're captain salt water. Any ideas from expert?

I could swear that I heard anger in Jason's voice then I felt a bit bad for yelling at him now well it wasn't yelling more like a warning or even threatening now I felt worse. So much that Leo had to wave his hand in front of her eyes when did he come back? 

Then Leo informed me that Frank, Percy and coach had left to visit an aquarium to meet the Phorcys. Like Bacchus had told them to I felt very concerned. Then I asked why he had came down suddenly he said because he didn't see me and wanted to say sorry for being Insensitive to Hazel then I suddenly felt bad to show that I said "don't apologise I don't care you hurt her and an apology doesn't cut it." 

So, ok I wanted to learn how to navigate the ship in case something were to happen and only way I could do that if Leo taught me he was weirdly understanding and was super enthusiastic to teach me. He taught me the use of some basic tools before we started and gave me some safety equipment so I don't chop my head off. While I learned about some basic tools. Frank ran inside and yelled at Leo to take off. While Leo was flying Argo II. Frank questioned what I was doing with him? 

I just explained I wanted to learn to navigate the ship. Frank was still looking at me weirdly. But didn't ask any further question. I went to the dock and saw Leo flying the ship. Then Percy just said "Charleston". And Leo put in that information somehow that's why I want to learn how to navigate it's very complicated. 

Then he explained that Phorcys the guy who his father Neptune, no Poseidon fought in the titans war had captured them and Frank had turned into a koi. Frank looked very embarrassed but I was ecstatic as I had a new nickname for my brother.   But I also learned that Percy was 17 years old and I was only 15 so the guy I thought was my little brother is older than me by 2 years. 

Leo started talking about price list and how he might not be worth as much as Jason or Percy but he would at least be worth 2 Franks. I wanted to go ballistic but we had far more important matters to discuss.

Anyways we had some discussion about where the map must be in Charleston to locate Athena Parthenon. While this was happening Frank got himself stuck in Chinese handcuffs and he iguaned his way out of it and LEO MADE FUN OF HIM AGAIN. Now I was thinking about not saying anything But this was too much no one makes fun of my brother. I'll deal with him later. 

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