16. Frank takes charge

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As they traveled deeper, the corridors widened. The ceilings rose to six meters high, decorated with elaborate paintings of owls in the branches of white poplars. The tunnels were big enough to accommodate large monsters, even giants. There were blind corners everywhere, perfect for ambushes. Their group could be flanked or surrounded easily. They would have no good options for retreat. 

I couldn't see any monsters but I could sense danger. Leo held his fire close to the walls. The tunnel floor was littered with ceramic shards and silver coins.

"Offerings?" Piper guessed.

"Yes," Nico said. "If you wanted your ancestors to appear, you had to make an offering."

"Let's not make an offering," Jason suggested.

Nobody argued.

"The tunnel from here is unstable," Hazel warned. "The floor might...well, just follow me. Step exactly where I step."

She made her way forward. Frank walked right behind her. It was hard to concentrate when you're seeing so many dam silver glowing ghosts. 

Then Frank suddenly stopped.

"Frank?" Jason whispered behind him. "Hazel, hold up a second. Frank, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Frank murmured. "I just—"

Control the liquid of life. Go with Minerva. Reach the traitor.

"What is liquid of life?" 

"Why are both of you siblings so scary?" Leo asked.

"I heard a voice—"

"I did too it told me to lead."

"It told me to control blood, go with death."

Nico nodded. "I did warn you. It'll only get worse. We should—"

Hazel held up her hand for silence. "Wait here, everybody."

"Scary room ahead," she warned. "Don't panic."

"Those two things don't go together," Leo murmured. But they followed Hazel into the cavern.

The place was like a circular cathedral, with a ceiling so high it was lost in the gloom. Dozens of other tunnels led off in different directions, each echoing with ghostly voices.There was a gruesome mosaic of bones and gems—human femurs, hip bones, and ribs twisted and fused together into a smooth surface, dotted with diamonds and rubies. The bones formed patterns, like skeletal contortionists tumbling together, curling to protect the precious stones—a dance of death and riches.

"Touch nothing," Hazel said.

"Wasn't planning on it," Leo muttered. Jason scanned the exits. "Which way now?"

For once, Nico looked uncertain. "This should be the room where the priests invoked the most powerful spirits. One of these passages leads deeper into the temple, to the third level and the altar of Hades himself. But which—?"

"That one." Frank pointed. In a doorway at the opposite end of the room, a ghostly Roman legionnaire beckoned to them. His face was misty and indistinct, but he looked trustworthy. 

Hazel frowned. "Why that one?"

"You don't see the ghost?" Frank asked. "I see that legionnaire" I told him

 "Ghost?" Nico asked.

 Underworld kids couldn't see a ghost? Something was definitely wrong. The floor was vibrating underneath us.

"We need to get to that exit," he said. "Now!"

Hazel almost had to tackle him to restrain him. "Wait, Frank! This floor is not stable, and underneath...well, I'm not sure what's underneath. I need to scout a safe path."

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