11. Frozen Sea

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Y/n POV 

Gods it has been so cold for the past 2 days who knew that sceptre brings winter. That's not the only strange thing. Mr Valdez has been acting very sneaky and he even got off at Split and was searching for something. Also, Nico has been avoiding me like the plague he's not ready to be confronted he's so stupid,gods! 

Anyways, I was helping him get ice out of his hair when he said "I should put this thing away. If it's really causing the weather, maybe taking it below deck will help..."

"Sure," Jason said.

"We can't talk up here," Jason decided. "Let's postpone the meeting."

They'd all gathered on the quarterdeck to discuss strategy as they got closer to Epirus. Now it was clearly not a good place to hang out. Wind swept frost across the deck. The sea churned beneath them.

"Need to—" Hazel gagged and pointed below.

"Yeah, go." Nico kissed her cheek. Gods, he's a cute big brother. I just gave him an encouraging smile like good job dude. 

"Should I come with you?" I asked

"No it's fine I'll walk her down." Frank put his arm around Hazel's waist and helped her to the stairs.

Anyways, I was helping him get ice out of his hair when he said "I should put this thing away. If it's really causing the weather, maybe taking it below deck will help..."

"Sure," Jason said.

I just stayed there with Jason Leo and Piper. Ever since split Jason seemed close to Nico and that made me feel good. I like that my little dude is making friends. Piper looked so worried I hated when people do that it makes me anxious.

Jason squeezed Piper's shoulder. "Hey, it'll be fine. We're close to Epirus now. Another day or so, if Nico's directions are right."

"Yep." Leo tinkered with some wires, tapping and nudging one of the jewels on its surface. "By tomorrow morning, we'll reach the western coast of Greece. Then another hour inland, and bang—House of Hades! I'ma get me the T-shirt!"

I just laughed a bit.

"Yay," Piper muttered.

She seemed so anxious. That I felt like sleeping. Without a second thought I slept and theses chairs are very warm. Maybe it's the Greek sofa I don't know. Gods it feels so good I just snuggled into the couch/sofa. It was very soft but definitely warm and I just slept it was so peaceful. 

Leo's POV 

All of a sudden y/n slumped on my shoulder. For a second I thought she fainted and I was about to wake her up but then Piper told me not to as she's sleeping. Then a second later she started to get closer and ultimately got up to my neck. I don't blush very easy, ok that's a lie but when I blush I don't go this red. I didn't want to burst into flames but I looked like I was the fire myself. Piper told me to hold her by placing my hand on her shoulder so her neck doesn't get hurt. After, Piper fangirled a bit and Jason laughed at me way too much. He was trying to be quiet for the sake of y/n not waking up but he looked like he was constipated by the way he was silently wheezing. 

"Guys," Piper said, "I've been thinking about the Prophecy of Seven."

It took a lot to get My attention away from my work and Y/n. She just looked so damn peaceful. 

"What about it?" he asked. "Like...good stuff, I hope?"

"In Katoptris," she started, "I keep seeing that giant Clytius—the guy who's wrapped in shadows. I know his weakness is fire, but in my visions, he snuffs out flames wherever he goes. Any kind of light just gets sucked into his cloud of darkness."

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