13. Horse Friend

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Reyna's POV 


Reyna wasn't keen to give orders to Pegasus, the Lord of Flying Horses, but she was even less keen to get shot out of the sky.

As they approached Camp Half-Blood in the predawn hours of 1 August, she spotted six Roman onagers. Even in the dark, their Imperial gold plating glinted. Their massive throwing arms bent back like ship masts listing in a storm. Crews of artillerists scurried around the machines, loading the slings, checking the torsion of the ropes.

'What are those?' Nico called.

He flew about twenty feet to her left on the dark pegasus Blackjack.

'Siege weapons,' Reyna said. 'If we get any closer, they can shoot us out of the sky.'

'From this high up?'

On her right, Coach Hedge shouted from the back of his steed, Guido, 'Those are onagers, kid!

Those things can kick higher than Bruce Lee!'

'Lord Pegasus,' Reyna said, resting her hand on the stallion's neck, 'we need a safe place to land.' Pegasus seemed to understand. He wheeled to the left. The other flying horses followed –

Blackjack, Guido and six others who were towing the Athena Parthenos beneath them on cables.

As they skirted the western edge of the camp, Reyna took in the scene. The legion lined the base of the eastern hills, ready for a dawn attack. The onagers were arrayed behind them in a loose semicircle at three-hundred-yard intervals. Judging from the size of the weapons, Reyna calculated that Octavian had enough firepower to destroy every living thing in the valley.

But that was only part of the threat. Encamped along the legion's flanks were hundreds of auxilia forces. Reyna couldn't see well in the dark, but she spotted at least one tribe of wild centaurs and an army of cynocephali, the dog-headed men who'd made an uneasy truce with the legion centuries ago. The Romans were badly outnumbered, surrounded by a sea of unreliable allies.

'There.' Nico pointed towards Long Island Sound, where the lights of a large yacht gleamed a quarter of a mile offshore. 'We could land on the deck of that ship. The Greeks control the sea.'

Reyna wasn't sure the Greeks would be any friendlier than the Romans, but Pegasus seemed to like the idea. He banked towards the dark waters of the Sound.


The ship was a white pleasure craft a hundred feet long, with sleek lines and dark tinted portals. Painted on the bow in red letters was the name MI AMOR (Leo I hope you're safe dear) On the forward deck was a helipad big enough for the Athena Parthenos. My first guess, Leo made it but he didn't have enough time. So, I  guessed the ship was a regular mortal vessel anchored for the night, but if I was wrong and the ship was a trap ... 

'It's our best shot,' Nico said. 'The horses are tired. We need to set down.'

She nodded reluctantly. 'Let's do it.'

Pegasus landed on the forward deck with Guido and Blackjack. The six other horses gently set the Athena Parthenos on the helipad and then settled around it. With their cables and harnesses, they looked like carousel animals.

Reyna dismounted. As she had two days ago, when she first met Pegasus, she knelt before the horse.

'Thank you, great one.'

Pegasus spread his wings and inclined his head. I can't believe this is the brother of that scum Sciron. 

Lord Pegasus nickered.

Hedge trotted over to translate. 'Pegasus says he should leave before the shooting starts. His life force connects all pegasi, see, so if he gets injured all winged horses feel his pain. That's why he doesn't get out much. He's immortal, but his offspring aren't. He doesn't want them to suffer on his account. He's asked the other horses to stay with us, to help us complete our mission.'

'I understand,' Reyna said. 'Thank you.'

Pegasus whinnied.

Hedge's eyes widened. He choked back a sob, then fished a handkerchief out of his backpack and dabbed his eyes. Coach is getting teary eyed? Holy shit are we in trouble? 

'Coach?' Nico frowned with concern. 'What did Pegasus say?'

'He – he says he didn't come to us in person because of my message.' Hedge turned to Reyna. 'He did it because of you. He experiences the feelings of all winged horses. He followed your friendship with Scipio. Pegasus says he's never been more touched by a demigod's compassion for a winged horse. He gives you the title Horse Friend. This is a great honour.'

Reyna bowed her head. 'Thank you, lord.' She deserves this. I can sense her guilt resurfacing. I can't be sure but her face speaks essays. 

Pegasus pawed the deck. The other winged horses whinnied in salute. Then their sire launched himself upward and spiralled into the night.

Hedge stared at the clouds in amazement. 'Pegasus hasn't shown himself in hundreds of years.' He patted Reyna on the back. 'You did good, Roman.'

'Nico, we should check the ship,' Reyna said. 'If there's anyone aboard –'

'Way ahead of you.' He stroked Blackjack's muzzle. 'I sense two mortals asleep in the main cabin. Nobody else. I'm no child of Hypnos, but I've sent some deep dreams their way. Should be enough to keep them snoozing until well after sunrise.'

I can't help but feel proud. Coach's mud paste had worked magic on Nico. He's eating more properly he's stronger both physically and mentally. Im not saying he wasn't before but he's stronger without bottling up. 

Coach Hedge rubbed his hands eagerly. 'So when can we go ashore? My wife is waiting!'

Reyna scanned the horizon, I followed her gaze. A Greek trireme patrolled just offshore, but it didn't seem to have noticed their arrival. No alarms sounded. No signs of movement along the beach.

What's that? Silver wake in the moonlight, half a mile to the west. A black motorboat was speeding towards them with no running lights. Glinting on the boat's prow was a laurel wreath design with the letters SPQR. We're fucked. Great. 

'The legion has sent a welcoming committee.' Reyna said. 

Nico followed her gaze. 'I thought the Romans didn't have a navy.'

'We didn't,' she said. 'Apparently Octavian has been busier than I realized.'

'So we attack!' Hedge said. ' 'Cause nobody's standing in my way when I'm this close.' There are three people in the speedboat. The two in the back wore helmets, but the guy in front didn't. He looks as mesmerising as Piper does. Less pretty more handsome.

'We'll try to parlay,' Reyna decided. 'That's one of Octavian's right-hand men, but he's a good legionnaire. I may be able to reason with him.'

The wind swept Nico's dark hair across his face. 'But if you're wrong ...' I lightly hit his forearm. 

The black boat slowed and pulled alongside. The guy on front said 'Reyna! I've got orders to arrest you and confiscate that statue. I'm coming aboard with two other centurions. I'd prefer to do this without bloodshed.'

Reyna said.  'Come aboard, Michael!'

She turned to us 'If I'm wrong, be ready. Michael Kahale won't be easy to fight.'

Michael huh? Michael wasn't dressed for combat. He wore only his purple camp shirt, jeans and running shoes. He carried no visible weapon, But that's not that comforting when his hands are twice the width of my face. 

He has two backup. A girl who looks peaceful and a boy who looks familiar. I know him. I REMEMBER HE IS THE KOOL AID GUY. His name is after one of states? Massachusetts no no what? Dakota yes!

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