9. Professor Grace

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We were in air and Jason was fighting some ventis. Then all of a sudden he started falling we didn't have enough time that Frank could turn into a eagle and catch him. So, Piper just screamed "WAKE UP!" It worked. Yay! He floated back to us. 

All of us gathered in mess hall. And honestly, Jason looked like he hadn't drank coffe but straight up inhaled the coffee beans he was so jittery he was making me anxious. After a while I just said "Spit it Jason. What happened you're making me anxious." 

After that he started speaking. And now I really wished I hadn't told him to talk because oh dear I felt like I was going to explode from anxiety. I'm so glad Leo can fly because if he could I'm pretty sure he would've went through the ship multiple time. While we had lunch Nico only ate one grape just a singular grape. Ok I'm talking about that later. He also looks weirdly tired. He sleeps almost as much as me but why do his dark circles don't go. I know it's like genetic but still. 

"A note from Annabeth." Piper shook her head in amazement. "I don't see how that's possible, but if it is—"

Oh yeah, Annabeth's note I forgot about that. I sometimes don't understand if I forget things due to ADHD like out of sight, out of mind but gods. It's getting out of hand. How come Frank is free of ADHD and Dyslexia. I'm also free of dyslexia but not the point. 

"She's alive," Leo said. "Thank the gods and pass the hot sauce."

Frank frowned. "What does that mean?"

Leo wiped the chip crumbs off his face. "It means pass the hot sauce, Zhang. I'm still hungry." I just elbowed Leo and gave him a look like not the time dude.

Frank slid over a jar of salsa. "I can't believe Reyna would try to find us. It's taboo, coming to the ancient lands. She'll be stripped of her praetorship."

"If she lives," Hazel said. "It was hard enough for us to make it this far with seven demigods and a warship."

"And me." Coach Hedge belched. "Don't forget, cupcake, you got the satyr advantage."

I just smiled man he was so absurd I love him for it. I just whispered to Nico "You aren't eating are you? You are also not sleeping. What are you doing Di Angelo?" He didn't respond. "We'll talk later Nico." He was just ignoring me looking at Jason who seemed to be just staring into space. 

"Jason?" Leo asked. "Argo II to Jason. Come in."

"Yeah, sorry." He touched the groove that Sciron the bandit had cut in his hair. "Crossing the Atlantic is a hard journey, no doubt. But I'd never bet against Reyna. If anyone can make it, she will."

Piper looked uncomfortable to say the least. I liked Piper but I found it absurd that she was jealous of Reyna. From what I know she would never try to steal Jason and Jason was also not that type of guy. I always thought her insecurities were a bit strange. But it seemed like she was growing and it showed that growth. 

"Well, I'd love to see Reyna again," she said. "But how is she supposed to find us?"

Frank raised his hand. "Can't you just send her an Iris-message?"

"They're not working very well," Coach Hedge put in. "Horrible reception. Every night, I swear, I could kick that rainbow goddess...."

He faltered. His face turned bright red.

"Coach?" Leo grinned. "Who have you been calling every night, you old goat?" "Gods Leo Stop grinning." I said.  

"No one!" Hedge snapped. "Nothing! I just meant—"

"He means we've already tried," Hazel intervened, and the coach gave her a grateful look. "Some magic is interfering...maybe Gaea. Contacting the Romans is even harder. I think they're shielding themselves."

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