2. Pompeii

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It had been so long since I had a negative dream. Like even messages. I miss Leo just being with him made me calmer. 

The girl with short jet black hair was back. She was with Hylla. It was uncanny how much Reyna looked like her. 

"They're on their way. We should prepare" said the girl.

"Have you guys prepared the net? We'll have to welcome them. Not very nicely but we will have to."

"Why are we not welcoming them nicely?" Kinzie asked.

 "We have to test people. Especially ones who are that important."  

"Why aren't we naming them?" The black haired girl asked.

"Because they are here, not physically but they are." Then she turned to me. I know that Hylla is not going to kill me. But her eyes were enough to scare me. I woke luckily on time Reyna had gone somewhere. Maybe to the washroom or bathroom. Why do synonyms exist? I'm just kidding of course we have bigger problems than the English language. Hylla and that girl they're waiting for someone. What if they are attacked like Doris? I can't let Reyna lose Hylla even if they don't keep that much contact. Like I wouldn't want Frank to lose me just because I didn't talk to him much, more like contacted but whatever. I have blueberry pancake and two good adorable dogs Aurum and Argentum. They are made of metal but they're more like dogs than wolves. I would know I have been trained by Lupa. 

Nico is still sleeping. Looking at him I understood why he didn't sleep at Argo II. He's extremely difficult to wake up. Like I can shove my fingers in his head and boy wouldn't react. 

Anyways, it has been a while since Reyna had left by a while I mean a few hours. I was getting worried but coach told me not to worry she'll be back and he was correct. She returned while coach was sleeping. 

She told me about a dream no like seeing present she had. Octavian.. he's planning something devious to wipe out Greeks. I didn't react or say anything. She was planning on telling the dream later but I was awake so it's better to tell me because she doesn't wish to repeat it. I obliged. I'm not telling anyone about my dream everyone is already low on strength and I don't wish to test anything. 

I told the dream: the earth swallowing Camp Jupiter, Octavian closing in on Camp Half-Blood and the hunter with the glowing eyes who had shot Reyna in the gut.

Nico stared at his empty plate. 'This hunter ... a giant, maybe?'

Coach Hedge grunted. 'I'd rather not find out. I say we keep moving.'

Nico's mouth twitched. 'You are suggesting we avoid a fight?'

'Listen, cupcake, I like a smackdown as much as the next guy, but we've got enough monsters to worry about without some bounty-hunter giant tracking us across the world. I don't like the sound of those huge arrows.'

'For once,' Reyna said, 'I agree with Hedge.'

Nico unfolded his aviator jacket. He put his finger through an arrow hole in the sleeve.

'I could ask for advice.' Nico sounded reluctant. 'Thalia Grace ...'

'Jason's sister,' Reyna said.

Nico nodded. 'The Hunters of Artemis are ... well, hunters. If anybody knew about this giant hunter guy, Thalia would. I could try sending her an Iris-message.'

'You don't sound very excited about the idea,' Reyna noticed. 'Are you two ... on bad terms?' 

'We're fine.' Nico said. This bitch can't accept or tell anything about emotions. I love my lil bro but gods he's a dumbass.

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