4. Aftermath of the dwarfs

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Good news we caught up to the dwarfs easily. Bad news they climbed a very tall tower and disappeared. More bad news Leo went to buy some things to make something I don't know. More bad news, even after avoiding i saw his blue bottoms. Gods, Jason he would've been fine alone y'know. A bit more bad news dwarfs aren't animals technically so I can't control them all that practice gone to waste. 

Leo made something and ran with me to the tower but it had a ticket booth and he paid for both of just with some Italian chocolate Fonzies. When I asked him how the man accepted it. His response "I don't know but we need more of these."  There were so many stairs man. And Leo I don't know if it was Hephaestus power or something but the guy was running so fast on stairs. The only reason I ran was because I'm a daughter of Mars I'm not losing to a Hephaestus son. I'm so Mars dam.  

Leo's POV 

The room was about the size of a broom closet, with barred windows on all four walls. Shoved in the corners were sacks of treasure, shiny goodies spilling all over the floor. Leo spotted Piper's knife, an old leather-bound book, a few interesting-looking mechanical devices, and enough gold to give Hazel's horse a stomachache.

At first, he thought the dwarfs had left. Then he looked up. Akmon and Passalos were hanging upside down from the rafters by their chimp feet, playing antigravity poker. When they saw Leo, they threw their cards like confetti and broke out in applause.

"I told you they'd do it!" Akmon shrieked in delight.

Passalos shrugged and took off one of his gold watches and handed it to his brother. "You win. I didn't think they was that dumb."

They both dropped to the floor. Akmon was wearing Leo's tool belt—he was so close that Leo had to resist the urge to lunge for it.

Passalos straightened his cowboy hat and kicked open the grate on the nearest window. "What should we make him climb next, brother? The dome of San Luca?"

Leo wanted to throttle the dwarfs, but he forced a smile. "Oh, that sounds fun! But before you guys go, you forgot something shiny."

"Impossible!" Akmon scowled. "We were very thorough." "You sure?" Leo held up his grocery bag.

"You sure?" Leo held up his grocery bag.

The dwarfs inched closer. As Leo had hoped, their curiosity was so strong that they couldn't resist.

"Look." Leo brought out his first weapon—a lump of dried chemicals wrapped in aluminum foil—and lit it with his hand.

He knew enough to turn away when it popped, but the dwarfs were staring right at it. But y/n didn't so he had to practically pull her. How is she a daughter of Ares. If she comes to camp half-blood Clarrise would eat her. Toothpaste, sugar, and bug spray weren't as good as Apollo's music, but they made for a pretty decent flash-bang.

The Kerkopes wailed, clawing at their eyes. They stumbled toward the window, but Leo set off his homemade firecrackers—snapping them around the dwarfs' bare feet to keep them off balance. Then, for good measure, Leo turned the dial on his Archimedes sphere, which unleashed a plume of foul white fog that filled the room.

Leo wasn't bothered by smoke. Being immune to fire, he'd stood in smoky bonfires, endured dragon breath, and cleaned out blazing forges plenty of times. While the dwarfs were hacking and wheezing, he grabbed his tool belt from Akmon, calmly summoned some bungee cords, and tied up the dwarfs. But he forgot y/n was with him and she started coughing and tears started falling from her eyes. Shit. 

"My eyes!" Akmon coughed. "My tool belt!"

"My feet are on fire!" Passalos wailed. "Not shiny! Not shiny at all!"

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