4. Not Team Leo

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Narrator's POV 

As soon as Leo woke up he wanted to invent a button to slap Leo or a Time Machine. Lucky for him he didn't need a machine to slap him because Y/n just did. He was dazed but that slap sent him out of it. Now, no one wanted y/n to kill Leo so Frank grabbed her and Annabeth led her down to her room which for now was the sick bay because Leo made 8 bedrooms to accommodate the 7 and coach hedge.

 Now, no one wanted y/n to kill Leo so Frank grabbed her and Annabeth led her down to her room which for now was the sick bay because Leo made 8 bedrooms to accommodate the 7 and coach hedge

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Anyways, Frank stayed with her and they comforted each other. Frank was more sad but Y/n was pretty pissed because Leo ruined a chance of her being a normal demigod and spending her life in New Rome with her husband (after seeing Piper and Annabeth it could also be a wife). After calming down she went upstairs with others and they were discussing about some damage done and what Leo will need to fix it. 

2 items on the list: tar lime , calcium carbonate and celestial bronze. 

They split into teams of two: Percy, Annabeth and Frank. Leo, Y/n and Hazel.

Y/n was not a fan of Leo but man she could leave her future sister-in-law with that bitch not only for her safety but she also didn't like how he was constantly flirting with her or trying to at least.  That guy was just an accident waiting to happen. As soon as they got off the boat it was almost unfathomable that they were standing in such a beautiful field searching for things so they don't die in a wrecked ship. Leo pointed that there was some calcium carbonate on an island and it glowed under the sun. They collected some of it and gave it to Leo and he put it in his tool belt apparently it had infinite storage. 

Then, in a distance they saw a women wearing some black leather clothes like the weather didn't bother her. As they got closer, she saw Doris the girl who bullied her since the age of 12 after being her friend for almost 5-6 years why you might ask the reason was  Hylla favoured her so that pissed her off too also that was the reason why she was so ready to join Othera's army. 

Y/n was about to yell how she found them but Leo beat her to it. He yelled "Aunt rosa?!" Then it her it was nemesis she looked like the person you hated the most(opposite of Aphrodite). The goddess was amused and asked  Hazel who she saw "my third grade teacher I hated her she called my mother a witch." I felt bad for her. Then, Nemesis turned to me and asked me the same question I didn't know what she was about so she said she saw nobody(technically speaking, Doris was a nobody to her). She just didn't wish to share her life with a goddess who stands for revenge.

 Goddess told Leo how he would be a 7th wheeler and gave him a fortune cookie and told him to break it and he'll get what he wants but on a great price. Leo put it inside his infinity pocket. Ok so that pocket is not the only thing infinite it's the whole tool belt.

Hazel asks Leo about his Aunt rosa he says something but I was too distracted by a invisibl- semi invisible girl. She starts repeating everything we say turns out she is the girl Echo from that one Greek mythology story. And Leo starts to mess with her ngl I was about to do the same but Hazel stopped Leo so I decided it's better to not do so as I didn't want to scolded and disciplined by someone younger than me. 

Hazel called her horse Arion and we followed echo through a bunch of nymphs who were recording( nymphs know technology? Since when?). Anyways we discovered, the prettiest most handsome man to ever exist he also recognised that and was staring at himself in the reflection of lake. Then Hazel recognised it was Narcissus the guy whose name narcissism was named after. Echo was trying to get his attention but the guy wouldn't stop(someone who was named perfectly). 

Leo then got an idea and Hazel asked if the ever thinks and he said and I quote the most iconic thing ever I still hate him but the guy deserves some credit.

"I try not to think it interferes with being nuts." 


Then Leo made us write Team Leo on his chest(I did that because I want Hazel to keep distance with him he seems like an asshole she far more better than him). Hot stuff and bad boy on his arm. Whole time I wanted to kill myself because I didn't want to see his plan in action not because it was dangerous(it kind of was but) because it was so cringe. He went out there with echo and after him chatting with them I noticed a nymph said "he was cute in a scrawny way" agree with the scrawny part.

Leo: "Baby I invented scrawny. Scrawny is the new sizzling hot."

Then narcissus was just staring at him then Leo threw the funniest insult ever. I'm being sarcastic. 

"Narcissus's mom thought she gave birth to a centaur because he had a horse butt for a face." "You know why his bow has cobwebs because he used it to find himself dates but he couldn't find any" 

During this whole cringe feast, I didn't realise that Hazel got the celestial bronze. When narcissus noticed I helped fight off narcissus and help Hazel carry the heavy celestial bronze because dear Leo ran away and didn't think to help he came back though. Hazel called arion and we ran off I sat in the middle with Leo grabbing my waist with both hands and me holding celestial bronze. 

We got to the ship and went to check on Jason. And Leo informed piper that they were getting ready to take off. Frank arrived shortly after us, I explained to Percy that all technologically advanced nymphs were after us so he went to fight them off. Later I joined him thinking I didn't want my brother to die. Leo came back grimy and gross and took off with the ship and only the AM LEO on his chest visible. 

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