20. Bye Argo II

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Leo's POV

I woke up to some sound of snickering? Then I felt something on my neck. I woke up y/n was practically sleeping on me. Snickering was of Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Percy and Annabeth.

Nico and Reyna were standing by side smiling. Hazel had a paper. No two paper. There was everyone in my room except Coach. I softly woke y/n. She noticed everyone quickly and when she got off me. So quickly she fell off the bed. I could see how red she was. Thank the gods I have learned to control my powers or past Leo would've bursted into flames. 

"I thought Annabeth and me were bad." Percy said.

"Annabeth and I, Percy. Also you guys are adorable. But stupid, why wouldn't you at least close the door?" Annabeth said. 

"You guys looked adorable. We didn't have a camera. So Hazel drew you." Frank said as Hazel handed us her drawing. Wow, this girl is good. 

"How did you guys found us?"

Nico said "First you guys weren't really hiding. I woke up noticed y/n wasn't sleeping here. Went aboveboard she wasn't there. Checked with Frank and Hazel they didn't see you. Reyna last saw you at night coming here. Knocked, no answer. Door was open. Came inside with Hazel and Frank were behind me told me not to wake you guys up. Everyone found you guys one by one."

"Don't tell coach." Y/n said. Her necklace was grey. Oh no she was anxious. 

"Don't worry. We won't. This is why we didn't wake him up." Jason said

"Wake who up?" Coach asked as he entered the room. 

"No one. You're up early." Jason said.

"It's better we leave early. What is y/n doing on the floor? Why are all of you wasting time standing around. Something happen?" Coach asked.

"Oh nothing coach. She just tripped. We were just planning about what to do next. What to pack. You know your normal quest talk." Piper charmspeaked. 

Dam, Piper almost convinced me. But I know. Luckily coach wasn't suspicious and left us alone. 

"Pack up y/n we have to leave soon. Don't pack Leo in your bag he isn't allowed." Reyna said. This girl has a sense of humour? She's always so strict. 

"Yeah, I know he isn't allowed, Reyna." Y/n said. She acted annoyed but her locket was yellow. 

"Take this drawing as a Leo substitute. Probably rub some grease in this and it's just like Leo." Frank said.

"Very funny Frankie" Y/n said. 

Then she went on to pack probably. I went aboveboard. 

Apologised to Nico. Just a plain "Sorry that I was mean to you. I'll be better from now. Take care of mi Amor." He just nodded and said to let him work. 

Then, I came back took one of my Camp half-blood T-shirt I wore not that often. It had a lot of grease that has now dried and washed. So, except for a few marks it was a good T-shirt.

Y/n POV 

I went and Frank gave me a bag and Hazel did some magic and now the bag was bottomless with too much space. How did she get so good? I just told them "Keep Leo safe. He's a dumbass take care of him." They promised that they will and laughed a bit I feel relieved. Then, Leo came in to my room (the medbay) and hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my head. 

"What is it Leo?" I asked.

"Nothing it's just I'll miss you. Take this T-Shirt with you? Stay at Camp half-blood till I come back. Wear this. I hope you don't miss me too much or who will you kiss? Also take some ambrosia. Take care of yourself and everyone. You'll be fine. Also take this silver dagger. Nyssa gave it to me when I was building Argo II. You should have it. Also I apologised to Nico." Leo said.

"Dam Mama Leo. Also thanks for doing all this. I also have something for you." 

That dagger had a small hilt but a fairly large blade. It didn't seem like a dagger but it fit in my pocket. So cool I guess.

I gave him my hard work of a few days. A necklace  I made. It was very plain because I'm not good with this stuff. It just had 3 red stones. That I found near river Acheous . I don't know what it is I asked Hazel and she said it isn't cursed. So good news? I think it might be the sand of Tartarus. I'm not sure. Also, I was using thread instead of a chain because I couldn't find any.

 Also, I was using thread instead of a chain because I couldn't find any

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Author here, please imagine that it is a bit rough that this. It is inspired by this necklace. Just imagine it how you think a beginner's necklace will look. Sorry. 

Leo took the necklace and instantly wore it. Then, he kissed me and I think he sucked all of the Oxygen out of my lungs. Then, Nico entered the room while making gagging sounds, took his bag and left quickly. But that was enough to kill the mood. I went aboveboard. Nico was tying Athena Parthenon to him. 

Reyna and Coach Hedge arrived in full armor with packs over their shoulders. Reyna looked grim and ready for combat. Coach Hedge grinned like he was expecting a surprise party.

Reyna gave Annabeth a hug. "We will succeed," she promised.

"I know you will," Annabeth said.

Coach Hedge shouldered his baseball bat. "Yeah, don't worry. I'm going to get to camp and see my baby! Uh, I mean I'm going to get this baby to camp!" He patted the leg of the Athena Parthenos. 

"Take care Frankie. Also don't lose this girl she's too awesome." I told Frank.

"You too but with Leo. Look he's waiting like a toddler for attention." Hazel said. 

I looked back and he was for sure. I went up to him.

Leo kissed me for the last time. "I love you, be safe."

"I will be. And you too. I love you my fire hazard. I won't hurt you." 

"All right," said Nico. "Grab the ropes, please. Here we go."

Reyna, y/n and Hedge took hold. The air darkened. The Athena Parthenos collapsed into its own shadow and disappeared, along with its four escorts.

Mr Fire hazard (Leo Valdez x reader)Where stories live. Discover now