1. Sleepy people plunging into something

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First, I'll talk about me being a little bitch then we can talk about plunging into a volcano. Holy shit, when we left Argo II (and Leo). I cried when we stopped at Albania. Nico was so tired with all the shadow travelling but my little bro held me as I cried. Reyna looked uncomfortable and Coach was trying to make me laugh. I really love Nico's attitude of 'I don't love anyone except my sister' because he's so reserved when it comes everyone and acts like Reyna when someone is crying but with me he comforts me. I'm not telling anything else. What happens in Albania stays there. 

Anyways, I'm currently plunging into Mount Vesuvius with Nico, Coach, Reyna and a shitty parachute named Athena Parthenon.

'Nico!' Reyna yelled.

'Pan's pipes!' cursed Gleeson Hedge.

'Whaaaaa!' Nico flailed, almost slipping out of Reyna's grip. She held tight and grabbed Coach

Hedge by the shirt collar as he started to tumble away. If they got separated now, they were dead. They plummeted towards the volcano as their largest piece of luggage – the forty-foot-tall Athena Parthenos – trailed after them, leashed to a harness on Nico's back like a very ineffective parachute. 'That's Vesuvius below us!' Reyna shouted over the wind. 'Nico, teleport us out of here!'

His eyes were wild and unfocused. His dark feathery hair whipped around his face like a raven

shot out of the sky. 'I – I can't! No strength!'

Coach Hedge bleated. 'News flash, kid! Goats can't fly! Zap us out of here or we're gonna get flattened into an Athena Parthenos omelette!'

'Nico, shadow-travel,' Reyna ordered. 'I'll lend you my strength.'

He stared at her blankly. 'How –'

'Do it!'

She tightened her grip on his hand. The torch-and-sword symbol of Bellona on her forearm grew painfully hot, as if it were being seared into her skin for the first time. 

Sorry Leo I'll forever love you. 

Nico gasped. Colour returned to his face. Just before they hit the volcano's steam plume, they slipped into shadows.

Suddenly, several pictures flashed. Meeting Doris, Doris dying, Laughing with Frank and Hazel, that talk with Jason, Nico telling he his life secrets Kissing Leo for the first time. Is this what life flashing before eyes is? 

Nope, we're alive don't know about good but definitely alive. Doric columns lined an atrium the size of a baseball diamond. In front of her, a bronze faun stood in the middle of a sunken fountain decorated with mosaic tile.

Crepe myrtles and rosebushes bloomed in a nearby garden. Palm trees and pines stretched skyward. Cobblestone paths led from the courtyard in several directions – straight, level roads of good Roman construction, edging low stone houses with colonnaded porches.

We're in Pompeii,' Reyna realized.

'Oh, that's not good,' Nico said, and he immediately collapsed.

'Whoa!' Coach Hedge caught him before he hit the ground. The satyr propped him against Athena's

feet and loosened the harness that attached Nico to the statue. Reyna's knees buckled. I quickly caught her. And helped her sit on the ground. I took out some water I had taken from the ship while Coach Hedge rummaged through his camping supplies. Around Nico's boots, the stones cracked. Dark seams radiated outwards like a shotgun blast of ink, as if Nico's body were trying to expel all the shadows he'd travelled through. 

"Drink something." Reyna offered him a canteen of unicorn draught – powdered horn mixed with sanctified water from the Little Tiber. They'd found it worked on Nico better than nectar, helping to cleanse the fatigue and darkness from his system with less danger of spontaneous combustion. 

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