7. A plan fails

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While everyone was busy talking I came up with a genius plan. That as soon as Leo comes to the dock to kiss Festus goodnight I will pull him on the small room on the dock and threaten him since everyone was everywhere and they wouldn't appreciate me threatening Leo. I know genius also Jason had today's Night Shift since he was better and couldn't bear the thought of resting that stubborn idiot. 

So now I had to wait when we finished dinner I went after Leo and pulled him in the room it wasn't much of a room almost as big as the janitor's closet but it didn't have anything since it didn't have any purpose. Ok so when I said it didn't have anything I didn't know that included a light. 

Leo was facing me and his back was to the door and then he created a small fire on his fingertips. That dimly light the room and he was too close to my liking but we didn't have any option I could feel his breathe on my face because the small bitch was taller than me. 

Leo: oh y/n why the fuck did you pull me in this room?

Y/n: Cut it Valdez you know why.

Leo smirked why did he smirk? I hate that stupid smirk.

Leo: So you have a crush on me? I know I'm handsome and you know what I like your style.

Now I wanted to tell him that it wasn't true and ask why did he bully my brother or even threaten to kill him but instead of that I was just breathing heavily and words didn't come out. 

Then the words come to me.

Y/n: Listen here Valdez I don't have a crush on you matter of fact I hate you and that stupid smirk only reason I pulled you here was because you constantly make fun of my brother. 

Leo: oh cut it y/n I saw you blush. And I don't bully Frank and even if I did I find it pathetic that he would need big sister y/n to save his ass. 

Y/n: you know why he doesn't say anything to you because you're older than him and he respects his elders. 

Leo: oh come on it's only 2 year gap I'm 16 and he's 14. Besides let's believe that true it still doesn't explain  why your cheeks are that red  ever since we have been in this room. 

Y/n: that is not true. And I want to leave. Or I'll kill you. Besides you would be my type the dark curls the brown eyes but you care far more about machines than you do about people.

To my horror Leo tried to open the door but he couldn't. Then he enlightened her with the knowledge that the door could only be opened from outside. 

After a while of them struggling both just sat on the floor in silence. Leo with his back to the door and me with the wall. All of a sudden, someone opened the door and Leo fell to the ground. It was Jason and Piper. They helped Leo up and I stepped out of the room and just left. I didn't want to face their wrath. That smug bitch could handle their questions. God I feel so embarrassed.

Mr Fire hazard (Leo Valdez x reader)Where stories live. Discover now