9. Overthinking Queen

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Narrator's POV 

I still remember that day  Doris found me near the Amazon warehouse more like the headquarters. I was just 8 years old and Doris herself was very young about 14 year old. She had been her best friend ever since that day. She trained her and given her a reason to live before Frank she was her lifeline looking at her she was reminded that life was worth living. She was her shoulder to cry on. But when Hylla became a queen she turned bitter towards everyone even towards y/n. Y/n felt as if someone took her heart out her chest. And when Othera came back from dead Doris joined her. But y/n stayed loyal to Hylla after all she had also been a big part of her life almost the 2nd most important after Doris but with Doris out of the competition Hylla became 1st that's why she had been so hesitant to leave the Amazonian. But I guess something about seeing someone  who you share a DNA with makes you not think straight.  

Y/n POV 

Now that I was alone with my thoughts as Mr. Fire hazard made you feel like you wanted to die right then and there. I wondered what he told Jason and Piper I deeply wanted them to like me since they seemed like such good friends to Leo. I was jealous of him for that. Plus I needed some friends who were not like  brothers to me because due to that they also saw me as sister this resulted in them being overprotective of me I loved it but when Frank told Percy that I was in the engine room alone with Leo he lectured me on how he had crushes easily and  also moved on easily and would break my heart(I agreed) but that made me think that if I have too many protective brother no boy in their right mind would try to date me. Plus, Piper gave some solid advice on fashion and love she was the daughter of Aphrodite so it was expected. Also, again the protectiveness wasn't exclusive to the boys Annabeth and Hazel were also so protective. Almost every night they didn't want me do Night Shift with just Leo same reason.

Like DAMN I HATE THAT GUY. But anyways I hope someone one day understand my feelings. 

Between all of this I feel asleep, and saw a pale sick guy in a jar with pomegranate seeds Nico! I looked around and saw a dark alleyway and went through it and saw a giant spider lady besides her there were some of the most realistic photos to ever exist then I realised it was all woven. She began to say something but then everything went dark and I woke up. I immediately went to Percy luckily he was the only one awake and I told him about the dream he instructed me to not tell anyone about the spider lady or how Nico looked so sick and pale. 

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