3. Dreaming

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When I tell you we stopped in Portugal and I just fainted I think more like slept? I don't know the difference. Amazons only taught me maths so I can calculate shit because I wasn't allowed to battle because that was what Queen Hylla said. Only 16 and above can fight and I'm only 15 so maths it is.

I like maths. It's a fun subject it would've been better if we didn't have to be forced. But I love that subject minus maybe algebra but I like 40% of algebra too. Anyways I had a dream. 

I saw Leo... he was fighting a lady who was in a chariot. Leo wasn't alone. Frank, Hazel and Percy were there too. 

'Percy!' Leo yelled. 'Operation Water Balloon!'

Unfortunately, Percy was a little busy getting smacked around. The What the fuck is that? It looks familiar. Wait Nikette isn't it like with Nike. THEY ARE FIGHTING A GODESS. HOLY SHIT WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE CHILDREN.  She threw her wreath with such force it knocked Percy's sword from his grip. Percy stumbled. The metallic lady moved in for the kill.

Leo howled. He thrust out his hand and shot a white-hot bolt of fire straight at the Nikette.

It literally melted her face. The Nikette staggered, her spear still raised. Before she could regain her balance, Hazel thrust her spatha and impaled the metal lady through the chest. The Nikette crashed into the grass.

Percy turned towards the victory goddess's chariot. Just as those huge white horses were about to turn Leo into roadkill, the carriage travelled over a trap? Water blasted upward, flipping the chariot – horses, carriage, goddess and all.

Hazel collapsed. Percy caught her. Frank ran towards them from across the field.

Leo was on his own as the goddess Nike disentangled herself from the wreckage and rose to face him. Her braided hairdo now resembled a stepped-on cow pat. A laurel wreath was stuck around her left ankle. Her horses got to their hooves and galloped away in a panic, dragging the soaked, half- burning wreckage of the chariot behind them.

'YOU!' Nike glared at Leo, her eyes hotter and brighter than her metal wings. 'You dare?'

Leo forced a smile. 'I know, right? I'm awesome! Do I win a leaf hat now?'

'You will die!' The goddess raised her spear.

'Hold that thought!' Leo dug around in his tool belt. 'You haven't seen my best trick yet. I have a weapon guaranteed to win any contest!'

Nike hesitated. 'What weapon? What do you mean?'

'My ultimate zap-o-matic!' He pulled out a second Archimedes sphere. 'How many laurel wreaths have you got? Because I'm gonna win them all.'

He fiddled with dials, hoping he'd done his calculations right.

Leo had got better at making spheres, but they still weren't completely reliable. More like twenty percent reliable. I still remember the popcorn incident. That still gives me nightmares. I mean it would still but my brother, his girlfriend, my boyfriend and a boy who's like my brother are fighting the goddess of VICTORY. So it's difficult to be traumatised about popcorn. 

'Behold!' Leo clicked the final dial. The sphere opened. One side elongated into a gun handle. The other side unfolded into a miniature radar dish made of Celestial bronze mirrors. Not going to lie if it was made of light it looked like a lightsaber. Not really but very similar.

Nike frowned. 'What is that supposed to be?'

'An Archimedes death ray!'(i was in fact correct) Leo said. 'I finally perfected it. Now give me all the prizes.' 'Those things don't work!' Nike yelled. 'They proved it on television! Besides, I'm an immortal goddess. You can't destroy me!'

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