11. Some fishy business

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Narrator's POV

Jason and Percy were sleeping in the sick bay. Now you might think y/n is staying in the sick bay why are they in her room. First of all, they are sick so they are eligible to be there and also not like they're sleeping there just resting plus there is a lot of ambrosia and nectar there. As they were talking and also resting as they are just demigods not actual gods the ship started shaking furiously they ran up even Jason and Percy god those dumb heroes. They go and see a shrimp which is not a shrimp but a monster who is a shrimp what is that? 


I saw Hazel and Leo holding hands so I tried to distract Frank which was easy when there is a shrimp attacking you. Now, I thought Hazel was a good and nice girl but right now I had a urge to kill her but at the same time I also felt as if I didn't have the full story. Everything was mostly a blur because of the adrenaline rush it all felt as if I was  watching a video at 10000x. Last thing I remember was being thrown into ocean and passing out. 

I was in fact not dead who could've guessed. When I woke up I saw a fish man taking Hazel I tried to reach her but couldn't and she was gone. I woke up Frank and he pointed out that we were breathing underneath the water. Then Frank confided to me about something his life was dependent on a firewood he said that he never told me before because he feared what I might react with and he told me this now because at the verges of death he wanted me to know my little brother trusted me. Fuck he can do sweet damn I wanted to cry but then Mr. Valdez woke up so every emotion just evaporated from my body except anger. 

When he woke up curiosity got the best of him and he tried to light a fire and well almost lit himself on fire more like his clothes because Leo is fireproof. I calmed Frank down and I could see Frank wanted to talk to Leo so I just went to the other side of the room to give them some privacy. A fish guy appeared it was the same who had taken Hazel. He took Leo with him and told him not to anger Aphros. Weird name but then he comes back asks me and Frank some questions like who we are? Why we are here? Who sent us. You know the regular questions. He advised Frank to try to turn into a Portuguese man of war. Ok, I don't trust people easily because of a certain someone but I trusted Byathos and told him about me being able to control animals just by mind controlling. He told me that apparently it is not very rare and runs in my family(you may ask how he knows this? I don't know maybe the Zhang family is popular). Then, we had a lovely conversation 

Byathos: Tell Percy not to worry. We  can send Bill or Cyrus to save the sea creatures. 

Aphros: Yes, Bill will be perfect.

Leo: You should talk to Percy yourself it would be good. 

Y/n: For once I will agree with fire hazard. 

Leo just scowled at me. 

Byathos: We usually don't interact with Poseidon's brood. Undersea politics is very complicated. And we appreciate our independence. 

We just nodded in agreement. Percy wasn't here to bite the dust and we didn't want to look stupid. 

Byathos: Frank koi fish is good but as we talked try for Portuguese man of war. And y/n you're forgetting something about your bracelet about a symbol. 

I feel like I'm forgetting something here I'm sure it isn't important.

Aphros: Hazel visit with that horse of yours. We would love to meet him.

Look I'm no scientist but can Arion even visit would he have to run above the surface? But then again we are in a bubble deep inside water where the pressure would break our neck but we are safe.

Byathos: Leo stay close to Hazel and Frank they might run into some mechanical  difficulties. And Y/n work with Leo as a team it will help people you're close to.

Like a team, me and Leo made a disgusted face at each other.

Aphros: Take these brownies, Leo. You have the recipe inside. Don't add too much butter that's the secret.

Byathos: That friend of yours daughter of Athena she's finding the mark of Athena right? River Tiberius would help her. Take this letter of recommendation. 

We thanked them like the polite kids we are. And they blasted us to our ship in a pink bubble after blasting a pearl at our leg. 

Also, Aphros has a aphro I know very cool. 

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