Chapter 6.5: Home Again

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Y/n looked to the voice smiling once he saw who it belonged to, "Malleus-sama!" He hugged the tall horned man who gave the lion behind him a prideful smirk, wrapping his arms around y/n's waist.

"Are you alright?" The fae asked pulling back.

"Yes! I succeeded in locating Leona!!" He puffed out his chest, "Speaking of where's Ruggie? I wanna rub it all up in his face!!" He cackled.

Malleus chuckled, "Lilia and I looked for you. He suspected you had accidentally went to Fleur city instead of where Leona was being held. But it seems he was wrong."

"He wasn't." Rollo stepped from the Chariot holding his handkerchief over his mouth.

"Who are you?"

"Rollo... Flamme." Rollo glared at the elder, holding his handkerchief in a vise grip. "He and I met in Fleur city. He explained what had happened to his... housewarden. And asked me to help him find where the STYX headquarters is. I agreed."


"LEONA!!" Ruggie and Jack barreled towards the group surrounding the Chariot, looking around worriedly. "Y/N!" Ruggie threw himself onto y/n crushing him a hug.

"I'm so glad you're alright!"

Y/n patted his upperclassmen on the back, "I told ja I could do it!"

"Oh no you don't! Don't think you accomplished anything!" Ruggie scolded, "Are you absolutely insane!?"

"Well I—"

"Wait where's Vil? And who's this old guy?" Jack asked looking around for his childhood friend.

"Not the o-word!!" Epel backed away from his housewarden skirting around Malleus to hide behind y/n.


"Wait..." Jack's ears pinned, "Vil is that you!?" Vil sobbed in response.

"Dude what!?" Ruggie asked, his ears pinning in worry he looked from his housewarden to Vil.

"Quiet down won't cha?" Leona groaned, massaging his temple.


"WAH!" Jamil was tackled onto the ground, Kalim sobbed into his chest.


Y/n couldn't understand anything else Kalim sobbed. Arms snaked around his waist as someone leaned over his shoulder. "I was soooo worried! Jade told me something worst might've already happened and that made me 10 times more worried!!"

"I was just voicing a possibility." Jade smiled crossing his arms.

"Floyd-sama... you're crashing me..." Floyd froze hearing his given name being muttered by the shy first year.

"Awww Sea Bunny!! You do know my name!" He gave y/n a hard squeeze.

"O— of course I do..." he tugged on the eels arms trying to get away.

"Oh my, it seems more time passed than I thought..." Malleus sighed snaking his arm around y/n's waist. 

"No only 3 days past." Leona said through his teeth grabbing y/n from the fae prince's arms.


Y/n sighed, finally he was back in his own room. "Make yourself comfortable." He smiled at his new friend.

Rollo looked around. "This is a... nice room."

Y/n blushed, "Thank you. Leona gifted me some new things shortly before all that happened." He motioned to a sofa place next to his desk, "I'll sleep on the sofa, you can have the bed." After saying this he walked to his wardrobe and took out a change of clothes. "I'll take a shower first."

He came back with a towel over his shoulders, he sat at his desk taking out a stack of papers. Opened the first one and began to write. He went down the stack until he was left with one paper: "May l/n was found dead in her hospital bed by her nephew: y/n l/n, early this morning. The nurses say that he was always the first to see her every morning and the last to see her every night, fowl-play is not thought to be the case. We could not reach the nephew for comment." He stared at the news report, it was the only news station in Samoća city and for this reason it covered everything. It was the only real way people knew what was happening, people didn't talk amongst new people so news like this would've been known only to him if not for this.

He didn't remember why he brought it with him, he'd been meaning to throw it out for a while now but for some reason never had the guts to do it. He placed it into the box in his wardrobe.

"I'm done." He looked up, Rollo was 100% dry and was dressed in neat pajamas.

"Alright, are you hungry? I could make us some dinner."

"No thank you, I don't eat dinner." Y/n nodded going to the door.

"Well the kitchen is just down the hall if you do ever get hungry." Rollo nodded as y/n left him.

Rollo looked around, on the younger night stand were three hyena plushies, under which was a stack of books and in the bookshelf underneath there were so many books there wasn't even room for air in-between them. He ran his finger along the spines reading each title. "The Altas Of Monsters", "Sacred Creatures From Around The World", "The Master Guide To Plants", "The Bible Of Potion-Making.", etc. There were books the likes of which he'd never seen, all of them looked overly old and beat up. He moved up to the ones the plushes were standing on, on the top of the pile he found an extremely beaten up book, he could barely read the cover: "The Guide And Tales Of Animals" he flipped through the worn book, it looked like it was dunked in water and clumsily dried. It was obviously well loved.

"What are you doing?"

Rollo looked up, y/n stood in the doorway. "My apologies I knocked over your stuffed animals."

Y/n loosened hearing this, "Oh, it's no problem it happens all the time." He hurried over helping Rollo "pick" up the stuffed animals. After making sure they were steadily on the books y/n patted each of the hyena's on the head.

"Thank you." Rollo bowed to the younger.

"Hey it's no problem!" Y/n walked over to one of his tall bookshelves grabbing a book and he laid down on his sofa.

The grey haired boy glanced at the cover, it was a classic love story. He knew about it of course, his vice president loved that stupid book.

He laid down in the younger man's bed covering himself in the sheets and fell asleep.


"I heard you came back, are you okay? I heard from Riddle that I was the only one you replied to after you ran off."
"Please answer me."

"I'm sorry."


Floyd and y/n's relationship has leveled up to level 2!!
Special Magic:
When y/n and Floyd are selected to attack together Floyd will began to hit the enemy with bubbles of water on the 3rd hit y/n will join also hitting the same enemy with bubbles of water.


Word Count: 1141

Sorry about the long wait! I have began to play Wuthering Waves again, and if you didn't know I'm an open world boy, like I LOVE open world games too much. So... I'm gonna have to try and make a new schedule.

Thank you for reading!


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