14: Pancakes and Lies

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Lily POV

After a week at home spent healing and staying on Sean's good side, I needed to return to work. If not, Sean will ask me to do his bidding elsewhere, and I refuse to stoop to that level. It's one thing to pretend to sell them and another when he drags me to his "parties," making me walk around on the rough side of town looking for anyone who's looking to score.

Thankfully, Wednesdays are slow, and I don't have to worry about rushing around, trying to get everyone their food before they go back to work. However, it means our regulars will come in, including Tiny and the others, and I am not looking forward to lying to them. If they find out what happened, God only knows what they'll do, and I can't afford for anyone to meet Sean.

I put my uniform over the ice packs I wrapped around my abdomen and covered the bruises on my face and throat with some old makeup. With one last look, I headed out the door but stopped when I saw the baggies Sean left on the counter for me. The bags stared at me, waiting for me to decide what I would do.

"You just have to take them. You don't even have to sell them!" I told myself.

Left with no choice, I put them in the pocket of my dress and headed to the diner. As I entered, Nathan came barreling over, giving me a tight squeeze. I winced in pain, but he didn't notice.

"Oh my gosh, thank God you're okay. After the third day of silence, we got worried about you. Even Pops, although you and I both know he would never admit to that. Callie had to come in on one or two of her off days, and you know how she is when she has to cover extra shifts. She complains about every shift. Honestly, I don't know how you put up with her. Oh, and the Phoenix Riders kept asking about you, but I told them I knew nothing and-"

"Nathan!" I exclaimed, smiling. "Take a breath. I'm here, and we have all day to catch up, I promise."

He gave me another breath-taking hug before returning to the dining room to help the three customers we had.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen, and when Pop saw me, he came over and looked me over. Pops always suspected things were happening at home but never said anything. He shook his head and gave me a gentle hug. Too bad he noticed my wince and laid into me.

"I told you that boy wasn't good. He hangs out with good-for-nothing idiots who cause trouble, and you know it. When are you going to dump him and find someone nice? Someone like Tiny," he surmised.

Shaking my head, I laughed. "We both know Tiny deserves someone better than me."

Pops was about to object, but I grabbed a bucket and rag and headed to the dining room. I started wiping down tables and restocking the ketchup bottles. Mundane tasks that required little movement.

Nathan didn't hold back on the diner gossip he overheard, or heard himself. Old man Scrooge, that's what we called him around here, became a smidge nicer and only asked for us to remake his food twice instead of three times. Of course, Nathan attributed it to Callie being rude to him, but as he said, "Whatever works." He also noticed Mrs. Pierce gained some weight and ordered a chocolate shake instead of her diet Coke.

"I think she's pregnant," he smiled, bouncing on his toes.

This guy needs to chill with the caffeine, but I'm impressed with how much he found out. Usually, people don't talk to new people, but Nathan is easy to talk to, which makes him perfect for the job.

"You notice things most people wouldn't, and if you're right, then I think we're going to be giving Mrs. Pierce a lot of free chocolate shakes," I laughed.

"And have Callie piss off Scrooge more often!" Nathan claimed.

Three hours later, Nathan left for the day, and I only had two hours left during my shift. I re-wrapped the elastic around my ribs and added two new ice packs to help with the swelling and bruising. It was too soon to take more Advil, but I layered it with Tylenol to help soothe the pain.

After digging through my bag, I found one and popped it in my mouth, swallowing it dry. A special talent of mine.

I smoothed down my dress, feeling the drugs like a ton of bricks in my pocket. Waiting for me to do something with them. Looking at myself in the small mirror, a pale and hollow girl stared back. It's no wonder Nathan and Pops looked at me like I was dying today.

As long as Tiny or another Rider doesn't show up, everyone would think I have a cold.

No sooner did I think this than Tiny walked into the diner. I could feel my stomach drop, and the urge to run out the back door crossed my mind. But if I run now, then they will know something is wrong.

Not that they don't already think that. I disappeared for a week, which is out of the norm for me. Plus, Nathan already said they were asking about me.

Gripping the tablet, I walked over to Tiny and noticed the dark circles under his eyes and how his smile didn't quite reach all the way. His green eyes ran over me, lingering on my face and throat, forcing the air out of my lungs. It wasn't sexual like others, but more to make sure I was real, and alive.

If he asks me about my bruises, I don't think I could lie to him. But Sean has shown me what happens to those who find out the truth. I don't want to see that happen to Tiny or watch it again. So, lying it is.

"Tiny?" I whispered.

"Hi, Sunshine. I was worried you forgot about us. Please tell me you enjoyed your week off and got some rest?" he pleaded.

"Oh, yeah. I did a lot of nothing, but I'm glad I'm back," I smiled, meaning the last part.

Tiny's eyes never left me, and the longer he stared, the more stressed and anxious he became.

Can he see the ice packs? Or the drugs? Shit, I thought no one could see them.

"What can I get for you?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence.

He finally snapped out of it and gave me a half-hearted smile. "A nice big stack of pancakes would be perfect, plus whatever you want."

I looked up from the tablet and stared at him, confused. "Tell Pops you're taking your break and come eat something with me," he said, as I stood there, shocked. "Please, Lily."

He never calls me Lily.

Nodding, I put in our orders and told Pops I was taking a break. I waited on the other tables until our food was ready and brought over an enormous stack of pancakes with eggs and sausage on the side for Tiny and waffles for me.

Tiny poured an obscene amount of syrup on his chocolate chip pancakes, and I couldn't help but laugh. Pain shot through my ribs, but I ignored it.

"What?! Do you have an issue with my love of syrup?" he asked with a full mouth.

I stifled a laugh, not wanting to irritate my ribs, but failed. "I don't have a problem with it, but your dentist might," I laughed. He laughed and happily continued eating.

Even with a mouthful of pancakes and syrup dribbling from the corner of his mouth, he's the hottest person I have ever seen. But I know he'll never want me.

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