7: New Hire

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Lily POV

Sean and I had few problems the next few days, and he seemed to be in an easygoing mood. However, it doesn't last long, and usually means he got ahold of the good stuff, or they're making good money, and he's too busy spending it all. Either way, when the money runs out, and he comes down from the high, there would be someone to blame. Me. Until then, I choose to live in bliss and ignorance.

Today, I didn't have to go in until two because Pops said I was doing something different from my usual duties. But he said nothing more. So when I pulled up to the diner fifteen minutes before my shift, it surprised me to see Nathan pulling in, too.

"Hey," he smiled, getting out of his car.

"Hey!" I called back. "Couldn't get enough of Pop's chicken pot pie?" I laughed.

"No. I mean, yes," Nathan said, flustered as he opened the front door for me. "I mean, I loved it, but that's not why-"

"Oh good, you're both here!" A voice boomed, making my heart flutter. Tiny.

He wore his Phoenix Rider vest and black shirt, which fit tightly against him, and I couldn't help but stare. Tiny beamed at me, and I couldn't help but feel his infectious joy. It's my favorite thing about him.

Snap out of it! He's way out of your league, and you know it. He's a rider, you're...a punching bag.

Glancing at Nathan, he paled, but behind him, sitting at the corner booth, was a group of Phoenix Riders. I walked over, saying hi to everyone as Nathan and Tiny talked. Tiger said she wanted to ask me something before she left, and I panicked.

I covered my bruises. I triple-checked! But Tiger and Ginger have a way of finding everything out.

I said goodbye to them and put my things in my locker. Closing the locker door, I saw Pop's hand Nathan a uniform shirt, and he went to change into it.

"What's going on?" I asked Pops, but Tiny cut in.

"I hired him. Technically, Pops did, but Tiger and I held interviews and thought he was a perfect fit. Especially since we already saw some of his abilities when he helped us out the other week," Tiny said, leaning over the counter, closing the space between us.

"You hired him?" I whispered. His closeness made me nervous.

His face dropped a little, and he seemed unsure now. "If you hate him and he bothers you, then he's gone," he assured me, looking serious. "We already did a background check, and nothing came up. He's sixteen, lives with Ms. Landon, his grandmother, has no criminal history, and can work after school and weekends."

"You didn't have to do that, Tiny," I said, playing with the top edge of my apron.

"I know, but it makes me feel better knowing you are safe and not working with some creep, Sunshine," he whispered. Sunshine.

God, he's perfect.

Nodding, Nathan came back out in the uniform, and we got started on training. Working at the diner is simple as long as you are competent, which Nathan seemed to be. He wasn't as quick as Kayla, picking up on things, but with some help, he would make a great addition to the team.

He shadowed me for a few hours, and we talked a little when it was quiet. If I am going to work with him, I want to get to know him. It's a small town, and a few young people live here besides those in the club.

"So, how old are you?" he asked me.

"Seventeen, but my birthday is in a few months," I answered, glancing at Tiny. I could see Nathan's disappointment, but I didn't understand why. Then again, I was too busy glancing at Tiny, who sat with the others, and every time he caught me staring, he would wink, and my face got hot.

I took a sip of water as Nathan asked, "Is Tiny your boyfriend?" causing me to choke on my drink and the entire diner to stare at me.

"I'm fine," I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin and waving them off. Tiny's eyes never left me, but I smiled, trying to reassure him before turning to Nathan.

"Sorry, I didn't mean - I'm terrible at this. I just thought since Tiny's always staring at you, he might be," Nathan trailed off.

Cleaning up the mess I made on the counter, I blushed.

I didn't know Tiny stared at me as much as I stared at him. God, I sound like such a creep!

"No, he's part of the Phoenix Riders Motorcycle Club. They rebuilt this place not too long ago for us, and they come here often," I smiled. "So, if they're ever in here when I'm not here, take good care of them."

Nathan nodded, and we returned to some training before I sent him to the back to work on safety training on the computer. Sighing, I started wiping off some empty tables when Tiger came up and asked if I had a minute to talk.

Nervously, I sat at the empty booth I was cleaning and waited for her to say something terrible. "Okay, I know this is a long shot, and you love working here, but I wanted to ask you something," she breathed.

"Okay," I whispered, afraid of what she would ask.

"I'm going to take over the shitty coffee shop down the street and want to know if you'd want to be the baker for it? Your baked goods and pastries are amazing, and I'm not lying.

They're better than Whiskey's but don't tell him I said that," she laughed. "You could bake whatever you wanted. Whenever you wanted."

Baking. For a living? Yes! Finally, an opportunity to do what I love everyday...but what about Pops? And the Diner?

As if she could read my mind, Tiger continued. "Of course, it won't be for a few months, and by then, hopefully, Tiny and I will have hired two to three more people to help Pops out, but I know baking is your passion, and I wanted to give you first dibs. Plus, I know it would make someone else happy, and you'd have at least one guaranteed customer every day," she teased.

I glanced behind her and saw Tiny staring at us, nervous. But when his eyes met mine, he gave me his million-dollar smile. Turning my attention back to Tiger, she had a smirk on her face, and I just shook my head.

"I don't know what to say," I said, answering her honestly.

"That's okay. I'm not expecting an answer today, but I wanted to put it out there and let you think about it," she said.

Nodding, she smiled and returned to her booth while I felt like throwing up.

A coffee shop, where I get to bake anything and everything I want, and get paid for it. Plus, I would work for Tiger, who I know would be a perfect boss. But Sean would never go for it. The Riders and Sean don't run in the same circle. Plus, they would pay well above minimum wage, which he wouldn't like. However, maybe I could make enough to get out of my hell hole. 

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