38: Useless

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Tiny POV

Twenty-four hours ago, Lily was within minutes of being safe, but I lost her.

Hawk dwindled the private flight manifests down to a few possibilities, but without names or pilots cooperating, we're fucked. There were a few cameras, which allowed us to identify most people. However, most avoided the cameras, wanting to remain anonymous. At one point, the cameras cut out completely and never came back on.

Gears, Killer, and I went to the airport to see if security would help us. Unfortunately, they didn't have the camera footage either, but they remembered seeing three guys and a long-legged, brown-haired beauty after the cameras went out.


"Do you remember where they were flying to?" Killer asked.

"Nah. We have tons of fights coming in and out of here every day," one guard said.

"They're not regulars. First time I've ever seen them," the other commented.

"What about the girl with them? Did she seem hurt or upset?" I asked, trying not to sound desperate.

"No, nothing like that. Although she looked over her shoulder a few times and seemed out of place. But that's it," he answered.

"One last question," Killer asked. "Do you remember their car or where it is?"

"Yeah, they drove a beat-up car. Which I thought was odd, considering their expensive suits. The car sits in our lot until they return," the guard said, opening a cabinet.

"Here you go," he said, handing Killer the keys. "Just make sure I get them back. I need this job."

"Thanks, we will," Killer said, and we all headed to the lot.

There was only one shit-looking car in the lot, and we began taking pictures, which we sent to Hawk. After taking pictures, we put gloves on and got to work. Gears checked the engine and body for modifications, while Killer and I searched the interior. We took dozens of fingerprints and looked for any paperwork or breadcrumbs that we could use to help us.

Closing the doors, Gears slammed the hood and shook his head.

Nothing. We have nothing. Hopefully, Hawk can get something from the prints or license plate.

We returned the keys and drove back to the clubhouse. As we drove, it hit me; I never told Lily how I felt about her, too worried I would scare her and she wouldn't feel the same. But now, I don't even have the opportunity, and I wish I could go back in time and tell her.

"You good, brother?" Gears asked through our com system.

"Yeah, just worried," I responded.

Gears said nothing else, and we soon arrived at the clubhouse, heading straight to Hawk's office. He sat behind his computer, headphones on, and didn't even notice us in the room until Killer tapped him on the shoulder.

Hawk jumped out of his chair, pointing his gun at Killer, who doubled over laughing. "Jesus! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Hawk yelled.

"You need to lay off the caffeine, kid," Killer laughed. "What do you have for us?"

Hawk sat back down and straightened himself out before nervously playing with his lip ring. He tapped a few keys, and images of three men appeared on the screen.

"These three men," Hawk stated, zooming in on three business-looking men, "are in the business of drugs and women. They are not related, and everyone calls them the 'Kings of East.' As far as I can tell, there is no record of them previously doing business with the Devil's Disciples. However, this isn't the first girl they've... acquired."

"How many?" Killer gritted out.

"Three, before Lily," he answered. "They use them for personal pleasure and ultimately treat them as slaves, and they are the masters."

"WHAT?!" I roared. "You're telling me Lily is a sex slave?!"

Hawk refused to look at me, confirming what I heard.

If anything happens to her, I will never forgive myself. She has suffered enough at the hands of Sean for years and does not deserve to suffer any longer.

"Where is she?" I harshly asked, standing behind Hawk.

"They have several houses, mostly on the East Coast, but without flight information, I can't pinpoint their exact location. Best bet is they're in one of five major locations," he sighed. "I'm sorry Tiny. I'll keep working on it."

Shaking from anger, I left the office, slamming the door behind me, and headed for the shed. Chains and Sean have stewed long enough. They may be expecting Ace, but they have a different demon coming for them.

Opening a cell door, I found my first victim.

Chains. The man responsible for Lily, or lack of.

Chains swollen eyes met mine, and fear coursed through him. We tied his arms above his head, draining the blood from that part of his body and forcing him to stand. If he can't hold his weight, then his shoulders will dislocate, causing immense pain, which I prefer. I kicked his legs out from under him and heard two pops before a cry.


Blood dripped from his brow and lip from earlier, and bruises littered his body, but none to cause lasting damage. Yet. My top priority is finding Lily. Whatever information Chains has, I will find out and inflict as much pain as possible. That I can guarantee.

"We know you sold your daughter to the Kings of East, for what reason I cannot understand, but I will hear your pathetic excuse," I said, staring at Chains.

Chains hung his head and remained silent. The longer he stalls, the more likely Lily loses herself. Grabbing his hair, I yanked his head back and wailed on his face, loving the feeling of bones cracking under my fist. His muffled cries got louder until I stepped away to catch my breath.

"Tell me where she is!" I shouted. "You trafficked your daughter to men who enjoy making girls their slaves, and for what?! What did you get in return?" I sneered.

"Nothing. They arranged to buy Lily before I knew who she was," Chains mumbled. "I didn't know she was my daughter."

"So you sold her anyway? Didn't even fight for her? You let Sonny and your daughter leave without putting up a fight for them, and as a result, Sean abused Lily for years under your nose!" I shouted.

"I didn't- I thought Sonny would come back. She said she would, but after a week with no word from her, I knew I fucked up. By the time I found her, she was dead, and my baby was gone, and there was no one in the system named-"

"Enough!" I said, cutting him off.

This is useless, and we are getting nowhere. No father, or soon-to-be father, should ever neglect their woman and child. Especially with a track record like Sonny's. Chains knew Sonny was a recovering user, and when left to their own devices, users tend to relapse. Which Sonny did, leaving Lily with no one.

"Where is she?" I asked, staring at a broken man. Physically and emotionally.

"I don't know. I didn't ask. You may not like my answers or choices, Tiny, but I don't know where she is. I'm sorry," he whispered, hanging his head.

"Useless," I whispered, and left his cell, slamming the door behind me.

Sean better talk. 

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