17: Messing with My Head

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Tiny POV

Back at the clubhouse, I headed straight for Killer's office, didn't bother knocking, and threw the bag of powder onto the desk. Killer, Blade, and Ace fell silent and stared at the bag before looking at me.

"I found it at the diner," I stated.

It's better if Killer didn't know it came from Lily. If he knew, he would want to question her, and I am not about to subject Lily to that type of trauma.

"How did you end up with it?" Killer asked.

"It was on the floor of my booth, and I thought it looked similar to the stuff we found in the truck," I shrugged.

"Where are we setting up the buy with Leary?" Killer asked Blade.

"Cowboy agreed and said the meet would be at a house on the east side. Hawk said it's a known traphouse, and it wouldn't be surprising if the Devil's Disciples took over the place and are using it as a distribution site," Blade confirmed.

Killer tossed the bag to Blade, who left to test it against the other powder we found in the truck. If it matches, we have a much bigger problem on our hands, and Lily is at the center of it all.

"I know the place. It's about twenty minutes from Sean's apartment. I followed him there one time," I admitted.

Killer groaned, running his hands through his hair before leaning back in his chair. He texted Hawk, who came in with his laptop, and we got to work on a map of the house and where we could set up our guys if things went south. I volunteered to go, but Killer wasn't about to let that happen, saying, "It's too dangerous, and someone may have spotted me earlier." I understood his argument, but I wanted to keep Lily safe, and if she was in that hellhole I would get her out.

An hour later, Tiger and Blade walked in, and neither of them looked thrilled. "The drugs match," Blade said, slumping into a chair.

"I heard you saw Lily today. How is she?" Tiger whispered.

The image of her sitting down, groaning, and holding back laughs because it caused her pain flashed through my mind. "Not good," I strained out, but Tiger didn't buy it. She looked at me, concerned, and I didn't know how much to tell her.

"She has fractured ribs at the very least, bruised jaw, and someone put their hands around her throat," I strained out, trying to keep my shit together.

Tiger's eyes widened, and the mood in the room shifted.

I couldn't stop the words from tumbling out of my mouth as I told them everything. "I found the drugs under my table after Lily and I had lunch. They fell out of her apron pocket. The bruises aren't accidental, and she comes back to work with more every day! Sean is her boyfriend, and he has been abusing her this whole time!" I shouted, and the room fell silent.

I closed my eyes and reminded myself that this wasn't the end. My brothers will help me find Lily and safely get her out of whatever mess Sean put her in. Opening my eyes, Tiger stood in front of me and grabbed my hands.

"We will get her out. I promise," she whispered, squeezing my hands and left.

I didn't want to stand around and wait for the buy or another plan for whatever bullshit now. So I left the office, hopped on my bike, and headed to the garage.

Pulling into the lot, I saw Gears' bike parked, but blinded with anger, I bypassed him and grabbed a long-handled wrench off the garage floor. Out back, in our parts lot, I threw it against the side of the old Nissan we had lying around. I picked it up again and went to town, beating the shit out of the car, not stopping until half the windows shattered, the side-view mirror was missing, and I dented the side beyond recognition.

"Feel better?" Gears asked as I dropped the wrench.

"No. That fucking asshole put his hands around Lily's neck, and we did nothing about it! Now, we wait until tonight for the buy before we can get into his apartment! What if Lily doesn't have that long?" I shouted.

Gears stood next to me but remained silent. He has known me long enough to know I cannot control myself once I've reached my breaking point, and seeing Lily today sent me over the edge. Anger doesn't come naturally to me like the other brothers. It takes a lot, and even then I usually keep an even head. But not today. Not when the girl I...

"Sorry," I said, shaking my head. "I'll fix the car." Gear stared at me and laughed before returning to whatever he was working on. This piece of shit car has laid around for months, and we should have scrapped it months ago. We just never got around to it.

Taking a few deep breaths, I headed to the paint shop to finish up Vegas' bike, adding the first clear coat so it could dry before I added another. Afterward, I changed into a pair of coveralls and got to work on a truck that wouldn't start. I checked the engine bay, and I found a leak in the line and changed it out, but it still wouldn't start. Next, I replaced the spark plug, even though it looked fine, and that still didn't do the trick.

I spent the next few hours toying with everything I could think of, including things I probably shouldn't have, but nothing worked. As the sun set, my mind drifted to the buy and fear that Lily would be there and get caught in the crossfire.

Groaning, I threw a rag at it and kicked the tire. "This fucking thing isn't working," I mumbled.

"It might help if you put the oil back in it, since you drained it, and put two tires back since you took those off, too. Not to mention the spark plug isn't connected, but then again, that would be too easy," Gears stated, staring at the truck. "It's okay. I was about to call it a day, anyway. Help me clean up, and we can get ready for tonight."

I nodded, and we cleaned up the shop before returning to the clubhouse. Most of the guys were ready, and Gears and I quickly showered and changed before grabbing our bags and loading up with the rest of the guys. We went over the plan and who was going where and headed out.

Blade, Shotgun, and Whiskey followed Cowboy to the house to meet Sean. While Gears, Killer, Ace, and I headed for the apartment to wait for Sean to return. Hopefully, once Sean made the trade, he would head back here, and hopefully, we wouldn't have to wait all night for him.

As we pulled into a parking spot, I spotted Lily's car and prayed she was resting inside.

Killer stared at me and pointed at a car, asking, "Is that Lily's?"

I nodded and looked up at the dark third-story apartment. Hopefully, she's asleep. Pop sent over her schedule when she didn't show up for a week, and according to it, she works pretty early tomorrow morning.

An hour later, Shotgun called, informing us everything went smoothly, but Sean showed up pissed and stayed to party. So, we stayed at the apartment until sunrise, and Sean returned around 10 a.m. Once he parked, we all grabbed our gear and started getting out of the car, but Sean caught sight of us, and he took off like a bat out of hell.

Killer put the car in gear, but I jumped out of the car before he could pull away. Lily still hadn't come out of the apartment, and I knew she was late for work. I ignored the guys calling after me and walked across the parking lot. The car engine stopped, and the car doors slammed behind me.

"Something isn't right. Lily started work at eight, and she's still here. I'm not leaving without her," I argued, heading up the stairs to the apartment.

I shouldn't have left the diner yesterday without Lily, and I refuse to make the same mistake again. 

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