21: Concentration

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Lily POV

I woke up confused but remembered I was at the clubhouse and in Tiny's bed. Not Sean's. The sun was setting, and I decided to get up and change before heading downstairs.

The bathroom looked clean for a single twenty-year-old male. Lifting my shirt, I noticed my bruises were fading but still noticeable. My face and body had filled out from all the food Tiny and the others forced me to eat, and I no longer looked sickly. Thankfully, my height was an advantage, and I didn't look like I had gained too much weight.

Sean will notice. He notices every change in my body and will be upset at the weight gain. According to Sean, since I am tall, I should look and dress in tight-fitting clothes like models do.

Now, I don't have to abide by his antics and can do or be whoever I want. However, I know better than to go about changing my appearance. Especially since I know Sean won't give up on finding me until he gets me back. His hatred towards the Riders only fuels his determination.

Sighing, I went downstairs and found everyone in the living room watching She's The Man. The girls were curled up, safe in their man's arms, and at peace, and I wanted to know what that felt like. I know it's not my reality, but the escape is nice.

Tiny noticed me standing awkwardly, observing, and scooted over, motioning me to sit with him. I debated whether there was enough room for the both of us, but Tiny tugged me into the space. The entire left side of my body pressed firmly against Tiny, causing my heart to race.

Thank god I'm wearing leggings because any skin-to-skin contact would give me a heart attack.

While everyone watched the movie, my attention was on Tiny's arm draped over my shoulder. The scent of motor oil and cedarwood filled the surrounding space, and I found it comforting. Eventually, my body gave out, and I leaned against Tiny. And I swear I saw a smile tug at his lips.

When the movie ended, the guys were starving and asked Whiskey to make something. However, Kayla fell asleep halfway through the movie, and he refused to wake her, fearing the wrath of his pregnant wife.

"I can make something," I offered, and all eyes snapped to me.

Shit. Did I say the wrong thing?

"Lily, I don't think you understand what you just volunteered for," Blade laughed, shaking his head.


"Don't worry, Lily, you rest, and I'll make the guys dinner," Tiger offered, getting up.

I felt bad for Tiger, so I got up to help her. Besides, I can't sit back and mooch off them forever. Even if everyone assured me I didn't need to.

"What can I do to help?" I asked.

"Tell us what to do," Tiny boomed behind me, causing me to jump slightly. He's quiet. Too quiet for my liking.

"Well, we don't have a lot," Tiger said with her head half in the freezer. "But we have enough random shit to make pizza! Lily, you wouldn't know how to make pizza dough from scratch, would you?"

I smiled, and we all got started on prepping different parts. Tiger cut various veggies, while Tiny pulled other ingredients out and shredded all the cheese. I tried my best not to stare at his bulging arm muscles as he shredded the cheese, but I couldn't help it.

Shaking my head, I focused on the dough. I measured the water, flour, sugar, yeast, salt, and olive oil, and began kneading them by hand. By the time I had the dough formed, Tiny had abandoned shredding the cheese and sat next to me, watching intently, asking questions as I made another batch.

"Why does the water need to be warm?"

"What happens if you add too much water?"

"Can you over-mix it?"

Smiling, I answered his questions as Tiger grabbed the box shredder and cheese from Tiny, mumbling, "Why do I even bother?"

Tiny made the next batch of dough with my supervision, and despite adding cold water instead of warm, doubling the kneading time, it went well. As everyone trickled in I rolled out dough and they started building their pizzas.

Kayla woke up and joined the party, filling her pizza with pickles, olives, and tomatoes while Whiskey made his own.

Tiny slid his pizza next to me and asked, "Well, what do you think? I think it's the perfect combination of sweet and savory." He packed his pizza edge to edge with pepperoni, pineapple, and bacon.

"I think it's...one of a kind," I hesitated, smiling. Tiny beamed, and my body shivered at his attention.

It's just chilly. February is still cold, and it must be the window they opened somewhere.

"Well, what about yours?" he asked.

"Oh," I said, staring down at my dough. "I figured I would wait for everyone to make theirs and see what was left."

"Not on my watch!" Tiny affirmed, whistling. "Hey! Last I checked the girls go first around here. Now cough over the toppings so Lily can finish making hers."

My face and neck reddened at Tiny's words and his assertiveness. All the guys stopped and pushed their toppings toward me, giving me a half-sorry smile.

"That's rich coming from the guy who insists he will die if he doesn't eat first," Gears laughed, and Tiny elbowed him. I laughed and was thankful Tiny had amazing friends like Gears.

Tiny stood over me, observing me as I added BBQ sauce, chicken, red onions, and mozzarella slices. His body stood inches from mine, and I struggled to concentrate. If he leaned forward anymore, he would feel my heart pounding in my chest.

Taking some deep breaths, I finished my pizza, and Tiny leaned down and whispered, "Who knew your cake-decorating skills would come in handy with pizzas?"

I smiled and looked up at him. "Thanks."

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