Tiny POV
"I want to know what happened and how we fucking missed it! Church in ten!" Killer roared.
Upstairs, I threw my bag in my closet and lay face-down on my bed. Tonight's run was by far one of the worst runs we've had in a while, and understandably, Killer was pissed. We nearly lost the whole load, and we were unprepared.
First, we had the wrong time for the truck and missed it by five minutes. Then we found it, and faced an entirely different disaster. We successfully got all the girls out and to the safehouse unhurt. But as we did a last sweep over the trailer, we found a hidden compartment containing a shit ton of drugs.
I glanced at my watch and groaned.
1 a.m.
All I want to do is sleep. Getting up I headed to the meeting, found Gears and sat next to him. Tiger shuffled in half-awake, and once Blade and Killer entered, we got started.
"Hawk, you better have something for me," Killer said, staring him down.
"We tested the drugs, and they're pure. 100% cocaine. I ran a list of known drug runners in the state, and quite a few came up, but I have nothing solid," he said, not looking up from his laptop.
"Any noise about a new gang or anyone pushing drugs in our territory? As far as I know it's been quiet," Blade asked.
I ran through the local gangs and clubs in my head. The only ones who run drugs like this are limited, and they knew not to cross us or break the agreement we had with them. However, one name stood out to me, and they have no problem doing this sort of thing; especially lately. It wouldn't surprise me if they wanted to expand beyond American borders.
"I wouldn't put it past the Devil's Disciples to pull some shit like this. We all know they're still moving girls, and I'd bet anything they're offering a taste of product before starting that business overseas, too," I commented.
The guys groaned, knowing I probably wasn't wrong. "They were on the list I ran," Hawk confessed.
Killer sighed, running his hands over his face, knowing if it were true, then we had an issue. A few months ago, our clubs met and came to an agreement. They could move whatever they wanted through our territory as long as it wasn't people. However, as expected, they couldn't hold up their end of the agreement and kidnapped one of our own. Not to mention the truckload of girls we just found.
"We were all there when we agreed to let them move whatever they wanted," Blade finally said, speaking my thoughts.
"Yeah, but they broke their end, which means the treaty is null and void," Shotgun countered.
He has a point. Right?
We all looked at Killer, who ultimately would make the final call on the treaty and if it still stands. "Oh, come on, dude. You cannot seriously think that bullshit agreement still stands after everything that happened with Kayla and Whiskey went down, can you?" Tiger argued.
"No, I can't," he stated. "But if we are going to start a war with them, then we need to be 100% sure it is their drugs and girls we have."
We will talk to the girls and see what they remember or are willing to tell us. Not everyone will talk to us, but those few who do and remember what their captors looked like would be helpful for us.
Based on Kayla's experience, the Devil's Disciples don't hide who they are from the girls, and hopefully that didn't change. Hopefully Tiger can get the girls to talk, since they tend to be more comfortable around girls. Tiger readily agreed, but Killer and Ace were hesitant. However, one look from Tiger and they both agreed.
"I have some old contacts I can contact and see if they have noticed an increase or new product being pushed," Blade offered.
"I'll contact the Hellhounds and tell them a new party is selling goods in their territory. I'm sure they'll appreciate the heads up and let us know if they find anything in return," Killer said.
We talked out some more details before Killer nodded to Tiger, and she stood up. Everyone gave her their attention, and she looked nervous.
"I've talked over an idea with Killer, and he agreed I could bring it to everyone to vote on. I want to buy the shitty coffee shop downtown and bring it back to life with an upgrade. It would be under Phoenix Rider's ownership. However, it would serve as a safe-haven for the women you rescue. They would come in and receive medical, mental, and emotional support from us," she said.
I smiled at the idea and thought it was perfect. It would be a safe space for the girls, and a source of income for the club. Plus, it gives Tiger a sense of purpose.
"How would it work?" Shotgun asked.
"When you bring in the girls, we shut down, and myself, Ginger, and Kayla will help the girls create a plan for their future and give them the resources to get there. Between the three of us, we can relate to most of what they went through. If they have nowhere to go or are unsure of where to go, they can work for us in the coffee shop as long as they need until they get back on their feet. It'll never take away what happened to them, but it may make them feel more comfortable to open up to us and receive help," she reasoned.
"There's no fucking way I'm letting Kayla get into this life," Whiskey argued. Tiger looked down, refusing to meet his gaze.
"Um, Whiskey," Blade said. "I think she already said yes, and so did Ginger, if I had to guess."
Tiger smiled brightly, and Whiskey groaned. "On the bright side, the coffee will be fucking delicious!" Tiger beamed.
"I think it's a fucking fantastic idea," I said, hoping everyone else would hop on board. I knew, and Tiger knew, if not everyone agreed, then the club would never front the buy for the shop. And there's no way she could afford it on her own.
I elbowed Gears next to me. "Yeah, I'm in, too," he reluctantly said.
"Well, that's good because I'm asking Lily if she wants to work for us and make all the pastries," she implored.
Lily? Is she insane?!
"She would only work for the bakery. She will never know about the other business we run out of the shop. I promise," she said, looking pointedly at me.
I don't exactly hide my feelings for Lily well, and if I said no, Tiger would respect my wishes. But if Lily does work for us, I can keep a better eye on her and ensure she gets the rest and time off she deserves.
"She knows how to bake better than anyone I know," I replied, and Tiger smiled, hugging me.
This could be good. It gives Lily an opportunity to she off how fucking amazing she is with baking and pastries. She hides at the diner, but she deserves to shine, and I want to give her that opportunity.
All we have to do is keep the after-hours activities a secret and hire a few more employees for the Diner, and it would be perfect.

Tiny's Sweet Obsession
RomantikTiny joined the Phoenix Riders motorcycle club and hasn't looked back since. His life with the Riders is simple, and when he isn't working in the garage with Gears, he spends his spare time at Redemption Diner. It wasn't the updated interior or Po...