29: Safety First

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Lily POV

I heard the bedroom door close, looked to the floor, and saw Tiny was gone. The next hour I lay in bed, wondering where Tiny would have gone too. Just as my eyes started to close, a low buzzing went off. I lay still, trying to hear where it might be coming from, and a few minutes later, something buzzed again.

Eventually, I got out of bed to look for the source. I didn't want to invade Tiny's privacy, but I needed sleep. The nightstand held some papers, condoms, and pictures, but not whatever was buzzing.

Buzz. Buzz.

I tried the closet next, but only found weapons and clothing. Under normal circumstances, I would be worried. But honestly, I feel safer here with a bunch of Riders and weapons than in my place with Sean.

Buzz. Buzz.

The bed.

Pulling off the pillows, blankets, and sheets, I found nothing. It went off again, and I put my ear to the bed. Using all my strength, I lifted the mattress and found it. A phone. I grabbed it and let the mattress fall. The phone buzzed again, and the screen filled with text messages.

Unknown: Lily, is this worth the risk?

Unknown: Come home, and you'll be off the hook.

Unknown: Did Tiny tell you what's at stake?

Unknown: Devil's Disciples clubhouse. Tonight. Or Tiny's charged with murder and possession of cocaine. Your choice.

The last text took the air out of my lungs, and I shook. I don't know whose phone this is, but the message is clear and meant for me. Either I go back to Sean, or Tiny is charged with murder. I knew ignoring Sean would come back to haunt me, and Tiny would now pay the ultimate price.

I can't let that happen. He deserves better than me and the baggage I bring to the Riders. I won't let him take the fall.

I texted the unknown number, thinking it was Sean or a Devil's Disciple, and told them to meet me at the diner in thirty minutes. They replied saying they would be there and if I didn't come alone, they would shoot anyone on site.

Looking around the room, I quickly packed the few things I owned into a backpack and checked the hallway. Most of the lights were off, and I didn't hear anything. I headed downstairs and out the door without being seen and started the long walk to the diner. It would have been easier to drive, but it was too loud, and I didn't want a Rider to follow me and pay with their life.

The thirty-minute walk left me sweating and shivering from the February air. I stopped at the edge of a clearing next to the diner and saw an angry-looking Emily through the window. She hates the overnight shift or any shift, but honestly, the fewer people she interacts with, the better.

A black SUV sat running on the side of the building, and I slowly made my way to it. The front window rolled down, and a pair of black eyes I never wanted to see again stared back at me. Sean.

Climbing in, I sat in the back, and Sean smiled at me through the rearview mirror, making me shudder. "Glad you made the right choice. Can't say the same about your hair, but I can fix that," he hummed, and we took off.

A Disciple sat in the back with me, emptied my bag, and broke my phone before shoving it into his pocket. He shoved my belongings into my chest, and I slowly put them back in the bag, hoping it would help pass the time.

Two hours later, Sean parked and "helped" me out of the car, dragging me inside and upstairs to his room. The door closed, and he shoved me against it, digging his fingers further into my skin, radiating anger.

"You shouldn't have run from me. Those Riders ruined you, and now I need to teach you your palace again since you turned yourself into a fat whore who doesn't remember who she belongs to. By the end of tonight, I'll make sure you never forget," he sneered.

I closed my eyes, picturing Tiny's before the first punch came.


Sean spent most of the day reviewing what it means to be his girlfriend here and the "duties" I must complete. They weren't much different from the old ones, but now I will be shown off and tested all the time. Living with the Devil's Disciples was one-eighty from the Riders' clubhouse and life.

The biggest difference is that the Disciples clubhouse never sleeps, and something is always happening. I also noticed on the quick tour I got from Sean the kitchen was bare, and dishes piled up everywhere. Whiskey, on the other hand, kept everything stocked, had an organizational system, and kept the kitchen spotless. After seeing the hellhole I would live in, I second-guessed myself and my choice.

The next few days not only felt like hell, but I was living with the devil himself. Sean locked me in his room for the first three days, saying it was the beginning of my "training." But his version of training included bruises and tears, and it took everything in me to hold on to hope that Tiny and the Riders would rescue me.

The first hit came, and mentally, I was ready, but my body had become accustomed to feeling relaxed, and the blow knocked me onto the bed. I held my cheek and stared at Sean, refusing to show him my pain, which only fueled him. It went on for some time before Sean gave up and said he needed a joint.

Once he left, I went to the bathroom, cleaned myself up, and cried. I reminded myself that this was for Tiny, and I would do whatever was necessary to keep him and my friends safe from these devils. I know the Phoenix Riders will find me.

Hopefully soon. Otherwise, I might not make it to my eighteenth birthday. 

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