Lily POV
Chains stood in the doorway, blocking me from going upstairs, and I felt trapped. He looked to be in his forties with blue eyes that stood out against his harsh face. Something in me told me I could trust him, but then I remembered how he was the first to hold me down yesterday; wanting me to become one of the other girls.
"How are you feeling today?" he asked, catching me off guard. I didn't think anyone here cared about me, especially someone in power.
"Fine," I lied.
My head was still pounding, and the anxiety of the shower hadn't disappeared yet.
Chains stared at me as if debating what to do, but he stepped aside, and I half ran out of the kitchen and out a side door that led outside. I know better than to run off, but the fresh air is nice.
I took a deep breath, trying to clear out the must and smoke from my lungs. Massive trees surrounded the clubhouse, bringing a smile to my face. If I wasn't being held hostage by my ex-boyfriend and his band of terrors, I would love to explore the woods. Unfortunately, that's not reality.
The Devil's Disciples were nothing like the Phoenix Riders. Their clubhouse was a disaster, inside and out, and they had no regard for keeping up with appearances. Junk piles littered the yard, and bike parts and overgrown bushes were everywhere. It didn't matter where I went, I couldn't escape them.
"Lily!" someone yelled a while later. "Get back here! Don't make me chase you, bitch!"
It didn't take long before he came into view, and he looked pissed. Once within arms reach, he dug his fingers into my upper arm and dragged me inside, where Slasher, Diesel, and Chains waited for us. I didn't know what was happening, but it didn't look good.
Inside, a duffle bag sat on the table, filled with cocaine and a syringe. My heart rate skyrocketed, understanding what was about to happen again, and nightmares from the night before came flooding back.
I can't keep doing this. I walked away from this life, but I kept getting dragged back in. Tiny and the Phoenix Riders will never take me back if I keep allowing this to happen.
I dug my heels into the floor, fighting against Sean, but with one backhand to the face, I willingly moved again.
"New shipment. Need another test, and since you enjoyed it so much yesterday, figured we would give you the pleasure again," Diesel smirked.
It didn't take long before I was being held down and shot up again. I felt it immediately, and my body eventually slacked as I calmed down.
This round of drugs was different. The adrenaline rush came, but I wasn't hyper like last time. Instead, after a few hours, I felt awake, alert, and ready for whatever someone may throw at me. However, it quickly changed into paranoia.
Every movement scared me, causing me to jump, not knowing what it was or if they were coming for me. When Chains sat down next to me, I jumped so hard my knees hit the table, shooting pain up and down my leg, and I cried out.
Chains reached for me, but I pulled away. "I just want to make sure you're not bleeding," he reasoned, holding up his hands. But my brain refused to believe him.
Why? Why the hell would he care if I'm bleeding? He's the one helping them drug me!
I backed away from him until I sat on the opposite side of the bench, taking deep breaths to stop the tears. Chains reddened, clenching his fists, but said nothing. The way he looked at me made me feel as though I should know him, and it creeped me out.
Chains watched me for a while, and every time I looked over at him, he stared at me. I couldn't tell if they ordered him to watch me, making sure I didn't run away, or if he was studying me. Either way, he is a Devil's Disciple and someone I should be terrified of.
"Where are you from?" Chains asked, breaking the silence.
"Here," I replied, wondering if I should have lied.
"Where else have you lived?"
"Nowhere else. Why?" I questioned, but he didn't reply.
"Do your parents know you're dating a druggie or that he works for the largest MC around?"
What is this? A fucking interrogation? Chains is the worst person to ask these questions. He isn't even the scariest member by far, and his questions suck. Doesn't he want to know about the Phoenix Riders or Tiny?
"No, not that it's any of your business," I quipped back. Stupidly.
Chains' eyes narrowed at me, and I knew I messed up. Looking down at my knee, I saw a bruise forming, but I remained quiet, praying this interrogation was over.
"How old are you?" he asked.
"Seventeen, but I'll be eighteen in March," I smirked, hoping the fact that I am underage would keep him as far away from me as possible. However, Chains paled at my answer and immediately got up, leaving me alone.
I let out a breath, and my mind wandered, not helping the paranoia I felt. Everyone around me faded as I replayed the conversation with Chains, worried about why he was asking all those questions.
Should I have lied about myself instead? It's too late to go back now, but either way, I am staying as far away as possible from him. Something about him doesn't sit right, and I'm not about to find out why.
My body is starting to crave the drugs. The rush and high that comes with it kept me going, and I don't know how long I can go without it. I judged those addicted to it quickly, but now that I am in their shoes, I am starting to understand. It becomes the only thing you can focus on and takes over.
Consciously, I know I shouldn't want the thing that can kill me, but it is addicting, far more than I ever imagined, and I wanted out from under its thumb. I never wanted to become a junkie, but now... I don't know if I can function without it.

Tiny's Sweet Obsession
RomanceTiny joined the Phoenix Riders motorcycle club and hasn't looked back since. His life with the Riders is simple, and when he isn't working in the garage with Gears, he spends his spare time at Redemption Diner. It wasn't the updated interior or Po...