23: Waterworks

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Lily POV

It was late, and I was exhausted but happy. The girls and I decided on a girl's day tomorrow to check out the coffee shop and maybe do some shopping. I didn't have any money. Not after Sean took it all. But I'm happy to hang out with them.

Tiny and I were watching a British baking show I had never seen before and loved it, but I struggled to keep my eyes open. Everyone seemed to be night owls except me.

"Want to call it a night?" Tiny asked, pulling away and looking at me.

I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and suddenly forgot what he asked. All I could think about was how Tiny had moved closer to me and threw his arm over me like before. Once again, butterflies erupted, and it took everything in me to focus on the show.


"Oh, yeah, probably," I mumbled, tearing my eyes away from him and to my lap.

"I would take you back to Killer's, but we're going on a run tonight, which means everyone has to stay at the clubhouse. You can sleep in the guest room or mine. Whichever you're more comfortable in," Tiny said, stroking my shoulder.

Normally, when any male touches me, I shy away because, in the past, it has led to nothing good. But Tiny is gentle. Despite his towering height, his feather-light touches make me feel safe.

Safer than I ever was with Sean. Shit. Sean. What if he is looking for me? Or worse, he ran to the Devil's Disciples, and now they are looking for me, too. I've put Tiny and the others in danger because I couldn't sell some stupid drugs.

"Hmm?" I asked, realizing Tiny was staring at me, and I didn't hear him.

"Let's get you to bed," he smiled, standing and offering me his hand. I said goodnight to the others, and he led me to his room. Opening the door for me, I stepped inside and smiled.

"What is that?" Tiny asked, stepping over to the bed. He pulled back the tinfoil and beamed at me. "You made an extra pan of brownies for me?"

I nodded.

"You didn't have to do that for me," he mumbled against my neck as he hugged me.

His arms engulfed me, and I understood why the other girls fell in love with their Phoenix Rider. They are addicting. The hugs, small touches, and how they care for you in small ways pull you in. Not to mention how they light up over all the little things you do for them. I could happily live in Tiny's arms for the rest of my life.

Tiny pulled away, showed me where the clean towels were, and left me to shower. I nervously turned on the shower and tried not to jump at the sound of the water hitting the tiles. My hands shook as I removed my flour-dusted shirt and leggings, but couldn't bring myself to take off my bra and underwear.

The sound of the water intensified in my ears until it was all I could hear. I wanted to turn it off, but thinking about sticking my head in to find the faucet made me dizzy. I sat on the floor to keep myself from falling over and took deep breaths. Reminding myself it's just water, and it cannot hurt me.

Don't let this control you. Don't give Sean the power. You have showered before, even after sitting in one for hours. Was it a struggle? Yes. Did it take you forty minutes to convince yourself? Yes. But you did it, and you lived. This isn't any different.

Eventually, I pulled myself off the floor and sat on the toilet. Wetting the washcloth Tiny left me in the sink, I used some soap on the edge of the shower to wash myself. It took me thirty minutes to clean my entire body, and then I realized I had to turn the water off somehow.

Wrapping myself in the towel, I popped my head out and found Tiny eating brownies from the pan and scrolling on his phone. "Um, Tiny?" I asked.

His head snapped towards me, and he dropped his phone, which clattered on the floor, making me jump.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just um-I can't-"

Tiny got off the bed, forgetting his phone, and abandoning the brownies, and stood in front of me.

"What do you need, Sunshine?" he asked, his eyes staying on mine, never wandering over other parts of my body.

"Could you turn the shower off? I can't get it," I whispered. He opened the door wider and stepped in, turning the shower off, and it fell quiet again. Thank god.

One look at me and Tiny could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong, Lily? I'll fix whatever it is," he stressed, leaning down.

I stared at the ground, clutching the towel tighter around me. "It's stupid," I barely whispered.

"Nothing you could say is stupid, Sunshine."

"The shower...water hi-hitting the-the," I couldn't even get the sentence out.

Tiny picked me up, and I buried my head in his chest, embarrassed and holding back tears. I heard the door open and he carried me down the hallway. Tiny opened another door and placed me in a chair before disappearing into a bathroom.


The sound made me jump, but I realized it wasn't a shower, and my heart rate slowed. Tiny returned a few minutes later and led me into the bathroom. A giant tub filled with hot water and bubbles, and the smell of lavender filled the air, and I smiled.

"I hope you're not allergic to lavender or whatever these bubbles are," he said, handing me the bottle. "The other girls rave about it. Take all the time you want, Killer won't mind. Hell, fill it up twice, and don't come out until you look like a beautiful prune. I'll be right outside if you need anything," he smiled, kissed my head, and closed the door behind him.

I let out my breath and looked at the massive tub, my heart warming.

Tiny didn't yell or ask why I was being such a bitch about something so small. Tiny said he would fix it, and he did; without complaint or hesitation.

My eyes watered as I sank into the tub. I let my hair down, leaned my head back, and let the tears run. Not because someone hurt me, but because someone cared. Tiny is the first person in a long time who has taken the time to put me first, and I never thought I would experience that with someone.

I refilled the tub when it got cold, just like Tiny said, and after a while, I could feel my eyes close and refuse to open.

The door cracked open, and I heard Tiny enter. He never looked in my direction, respecting my privacy.

"I brought you some clothes. If you get changed into them, I'll take you back to my room before I leave," he said, placing the clothes on the counter and leaving again.

I drained the tub, dried myself off, and looked at the clothes. They were guys' clothing, and if I had to guess, Tiny's. Smiling, I threw on the oversized shirt and sweatpants and exited, finding Tiny sitting in the chair waiting for me.

He carried me back to bed, even though I said I could walk. Once my head hit the pillow, my eyes closed.

"Goodnight, Sunshine," he whispered, brushing my hair aside.

"Goodnight, Tiny."

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