2. Firsts

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I just reached his office but now I was confused to make any move.

Should I directly barge into his office that too twelve in noon? I mean he told me come whenever I want.

Slowly walking into the lobby, I asked the receptionist about the CEO's chamber but she didn't even look at me.

"Kiana?" Someone called me and I abruptly turned to find Arhaan Bhaiya.

"Arhaan Bhaiya!" I exclaimed hugging him and he patted my head.

As I parted from the hug I looked around to find everyone gawking at us.

"Why are you standing here? Go to Alishaan's chamber" He said fixing his tuxedo.

"I was asking the receptionist about the same thing only but she didn't even glance up at me" I sighed.

"Take the lift and go directly to the 18th floor. The last cabin is Alishaan's" He said glaring at the receptionist who gulped in fear.

"Kiana?" He called out snapping his fingers infront of me.

"Yeah?” I answered, absent mindedly.

"Yeh flowers kiske liye?" He asked smirking a little as my cheeks turned red.

(Flowers for whom?)

"For your bestfriend" I said and hurriedly ran towards the elevator.

I was looking at my reflection in the elevator's mirror when the lift dinged at the 18th floor.

I walked out the elevator and was walking towards his cabin when I bumped into certain someone.

"Oh sorry" I said picking up the flowers which fell down on the floor.

"Where are you going?" She asked looking at me.

"To CEO's chamber" I said standing up straight.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked raising her brows and I shook my head in a no.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Kiana, Kiana Malhotra and you?" I said smiling a little and she smirked.

"You don't know me?" She asked gasping a little and I frowned seeing her reaction.

"No" I said slowly and she fake coughed fixing her attire.

"Shloka Mehra, CEO's personal assistant" She said flipping her hair and I nodded softly walking past her.

"Hey wait, where are you going? Nobody is allowed there" She spoke holding my wrist.

"I am here for internship and want to him only" I spoke while trying to free my wrist from her hold.

"Then why are you having this bouquet? Are you trying to get his attention?" She snatched the bouquet away from me.

"What the—? Give it back right now" I said and she smirked while throwing the bouquet on the floor again.

What the actual fuck? Is everyone a little psycho here?

"How can you do that?!" I spoke glaring at her and she gave me a sheepish smile

Every single employee stood up from their seats and looked at me with horror.


I looked behind my shoulders to find Arhaan Bhaiya who just got out of the lift.

I looked back at that dumbfuck Mehra before turning my back to her and walked towards him.

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