13. Until you

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I literally woke up six in the morning, freshened up and wore a anarkali suit pairing it with small diamond studs.

A wave of nerves crashed against my insides and drowned out the lingering melancholy.

I finished getting ready and re checked everything again and studied myself with a deep breath before I walked down the stairs. I wore my heels quickly and walked out of the front door.

There was he.

Alishaan stood leaning to his car, looking even more devastating than usual in a white kurta with small embroidery workings on it.

He is so handsome. He is so mine.

Agh, what? Nevermind.

"Morning" He wished me and his morning voice oh my god.

"Good morning" I wished him back giving him a small smile.

"You look pretty" He whispered pecking my forehead making my cheeks red.

He walked over to my side and opened the door for me sit. We got it into the car and he started the engine driving towards the temple.


“Hmm?” He answered not looking at me.

“Idhar dekhke baat karein,” I scrunched my nose and he chuckled looking at me all worked up. (Look at me while talking)

“Suno na,” I called him again and he hummed looking at me intently. (Listen)

“Hmm-hmm mat karein, answer me properly.” (Don't hum)

I glared at him and tried again calling him.


“Yes, baby. Tell me.

"Can you please play some music?" I smiled sheepishly looking at him.

"I am so sleepy."

I yawned making him chuckle, the next minute he connected his phone to the car and handed me his phone making me frown.

"Play the music of your choice," He said making me smile.

"1801" He spoke again and I raised my brows.

"What?" I asked him not understanding what he meant.

"Password. Open the phone" He said and I passed him a grin.

I opened spotify and played songs on shuffle. The first fifteen minutes I vibed with songs but later I did not realise when I drifted off into sleep listening to the songs only.


"Wake up, sleepyhead” I heard someone cooing in my ears.

"Two minutes more" I mumbled softly.

"You can sleep as much you want after we return" I tsked as heard someone cooing in my ear.

"Nahin na" I whined closing my ears with my hands. (No)

"You do not want to go inside the temple then?" I heard something like and with a jerk my eyes opened making me sigh.

I looked beside me to find Alishaan looking at me intently. God, how much time did I sleep?

"How many hours?" I asked biting my lower lips.

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