37. Wet dream

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And my not so innocent dumplings, aage badho!


I parked the car, turned off the ignition, and looked at Kiana who was figeting with her fingers with a pout on her face.

She wanted to have ice cream at the party but I denied. I reached out and traced my finger down her cheek, keeping the touch light.

I brushed her cheek once more, with the back of my hand this time. The redness vanished almost completely.

Her cheeks turn red whenever she's angry. Pufferfish.

We walked to the elevator and rode up in silence. I wonder if the quietness is for nervousness or anger.

I opened the front door for her and she walked inside and stopped in my

My hands fisted at my sides, and my body strained from the effort it took
not to give in and take what I want.

She glanced at me once again with her fuck me eyes and like a man on a mission, I stalked towards her.

Her breathing sped up, and when my body slammed into hers, her hands
fled to the sides of my neck and she lifted herself onto her tiptoes.

Our mouths fused together, and her urgency began to grow, meeting my tongue thrust for thrust.

She tried to pull her hands free from my hold, but instead of letting goof them, I moved my hands up from her wrists and link my fingers with hers.

As the kiss turned more heated, and Kiana nipped at my bottom lip, I grinned against her mouth.

Pulling slightly back, my eyes locked on hers. “Desperate much?”

Her breaths came as fast as mine, her brown eyes shining like the hottest part of a flame.

“As if you aren't” She sassed out.

A groan rumbled from my chest as I grabbed hold of her curvy ass and lifted her against my body walking upstairs.

I set her down infront of the mirror before I grabbed the hold of the neck of her dress and ripped it open down the middle.


She exclaimed, followed by a moan as I leaned down and sucked her nipple hard into my mouth.

I fucking feasted on her like a starved man while her fingers weaved into
my hair and her back arched.

Letting her nipple go with a wet pop, I lifted my head and locked eyes with

 “Make love to me, Alishaan,” she orders, her eyes daring me to disobey.

My hands traveled up and down her sides before my palms cover her tits.

“You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”

Pure awe washed over her features.

She launched herself against me and kissed me with so much passion she stole my breath.

The anticipation between us became unbearable, and lifting her, I ordered,

“Legs around my waist.”

She obeyed my command, and while I walked us to the bed, she licked and sucked at my neck.

“Goddamn, woman,” I growled, and dropping her on the bed, I shook my head as I pulled her lace panties down her legs.

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