42. Impulsive

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“You need to hesitate,” I flicked her forehead, making her pout.

“What? I just stated some facts.” She scrunched her nose.

I wrapped my arms around her body, and lowering my head, I kept my tone soft as I said, “Yet you deny to listen those facts when situation arises.”

“Alishaan,” She tried to argue.

“No, shh. I know that you understand me but you need to hear my perspective too, yes?”

I positioned her on my lap before holding her tightly again as she bobbed her head up and down in a yes.

I sucked in a deep breath and rubbed her back in a soothing manner.

“The reason you gave me for having a baby back in our room was impulsive, Kiana. Was it not? Moreover you're just twenty-four right now and you still have a future ahead of yourself. You need to be mentally and physically strong first to embed a little soul inside of you. It's not like I'm against us having a baby, I would love to see you carrying our baby in this little tummy of yours but don't you think rushing these sensitive things out impulsively will affect you only in future?”

Her lower lip was tucked between her lips as a lone tear rolled down her cheeks.

“Try to understand what I am saying, baby. Is it easy to give birth for woman? Of course it's not—”

And this took her all to burst down into sobs, making my eyes go wide.

“Kiana, baby.” I pulled her against my chest as she continued sobbing.
My eyes shut close as she fisted my shirt and sniffled smacking my chest twice.

“It's okay, sshhh.” I rubbed her back in a soothing manner and pecked her hair.

She looked at me with tear-filled eyes. Her cheeks were drenched with tears, lips wobbling and her voice quivery.

“I am sorry for acting impulsively before. I didn't think about it thoroughly.” She sniffled, wiping her tears.

“I'm here to make you understand everything thoroughly, sweetheart.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead and she nodded keeping quiet.

“Kiana?” My voice was soft as I placed my finger under her chin,lifting her face so she’ll look at me.

“Talk to me.”

Her bottom lip began to tremble as she tried to hold the tears back. What's happening with her today?

I leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips and then pulled back to make eye contact with her.  I held her until she was calmer, and using my thumbs to wiped the tears from her cheeks.

She let out a deep breath, then the smile I love so much began to stretch across her face.

“I understand.” She whispered, pulling me into a hug and rested her head against my chest.

I tightened my hold around her around and closed my eyes as she sighed snuggling into me.

Slipping my hands under her, I stood up from the couch and walked upstairs to our room.

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