38. Mafia

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My heart was a thundering mess in my chest.

It took a good minute before my strength returned and I pushed my upper body off her.

When I glanced down at Kiana, the words just come.

"I love you," I took a much-needed deep breath.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she was still gasping for air as she stared at me.

She continued looking stunned by the sexual experience we just shared. It's cute.

I chuckled as I walked to the bathroom to get a washcloth, and a smirk tugged sat my mouth while I wet the fabric.

Walking back to the bed, I rested a knee on the mattress and forced Kiana's legs open again.

I drank in the sight of the evidence that we consummated our marriage before I gently cleaned my wife.

She was so sensitive, her body jerked with every brush of the wash cloth over her pussy.

"So fucking perfect," I murmured, and when I was done cleaning her, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her swollen clit.

I walked back to the bathroom and took care of myself before returning to bed, where my wife was still sprawled over the covers with a post-sex glow on her face.

She was staring off into space until I sat down.

Her eyes drifted to me, then her chin started to tremble.

I opened my arms wide.

"Come here, baby."

She moved sluggishly as she crawled onto my lap, and I cradled her against my body.

"Did I hurt you?" She quickly shook her head.

"Why does it look like you want to cry."

Unable to lower her head, she glanced away from me, swallowing hard on whatever she was feeling.


Her eyes swung back to mine.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"I-I'm o-overwhelmed." When a sob bursted from her, she reached for me.

I quickly wrapped her up against my chest and pressed a kiss to her temple.

Holding her tightly against me I mumbled,

"It's okay to feel emotional, love. After a warm bath, you'll feel better."

After forcing Kiana to relax in a warm bath, I watched as she took the medicine for pain and soreness.

I brushed the strands of hair away from her face.

Wrapping my arms around her, and burying my face in her neck, I sucked in deep breaths of her scent.

Minutes passed, and dawn creeped closer, but I couldn't bring myself to let go, finding more rest holding Kiana than I would if I slept an entire night.

. . .

"I love it when you do that" The unconscious mumbled took me by surprise.

I hummed slowly against Kiana's forehead.

"You do?"

My woman threw a leg over mine, clutching onto me like a baby panda. I love it and could actually stay like this for rest of my fucking life.

Usually I'm the one crushing her under my body but this is new.


The low agreeing hum of her breath slapped against my skin.

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