8. Peck

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I grinned looking at the notice that had come in our office group this morning.

Before two days I was telling Alishaan about how difficult it is for me to get up early in the morning.

And holy mother of God he fucking re-scheduled his company's arrival timing now.

I opened my messages to find n number of texts on the office group. Sighs.

But suddenly eyes widened as I stared at the text that said, there was a meeting at ten-thirty and I was already ten minutes late.

I ran quickly towards the elevator and pressed the 18th floor button. There was no one in the floor, maybe everyone was already in the conference room.

Fastening my pace I ran towards the conference room and opened the door as everyone turned to look at me.

Sighing a little I decided to sit on the only empty seat that was present and it was next to Alishaan.

I have always observed that no one sits beside him during the meetings not even his personal assistant.

I sat down and opened my notebook to point everything out but suddenly the conference room fell silent.

I looked up to find every single eyes at me, us means me and Alishaan. What the hell ?

"Why is everyone looking at us?" I whispered yelled at Alishaan who doesn't seemed to care about anyone.

"It's the first time, I have let anyone sit next to me in ten years especially a girl." He said and I looked at him with horror.

I immediately stood up from my seat as my eyes widened on their own.

"Sit." Alishaan spoke while ruffling his hair and I gulped sitting down again.

"Start the presentation and you start journaling, Okay?" He said looking at me and I nodded in response.

The conference continued for two hours and my back was paining like hell. My fingers were too numb because of writing so much.

I was now sitting at my desk going through the journal I wrote during the conference.

"Ms. Malhotra, Sir is asking for you and your presentation." Ronit, Alishaan's assistant informed making me sigh.

Picking up my half done work, I walked to Alishaan's chamber and without thinking twice walked into the room.

My eyes widened as I saw Alishaan talking with his clients and I immediately turned to leave the room.

"Stay." Alishaan said and I turned around to greet his clients and got settled on the couch beside his desk.

His clients left after having a conversation of fifteen minutes and I sighed standing up my feet.

"Go through it, I am sitting right here only." I said forwarding my file to him and he raised his brows.

"What happened to you?" He asked softly.

"My back is hurting like hell." I said pouting a little and he nodded opening my file.

As he went through my journal, I looked up to find him wearing his glasses.

Damn, he looks so ho.. shut up kia!

"What?" He asked as his eyes met mine.

"Nothing." I replied rolling my eyes at him.

After few minutes he looked at me intently and raised his eyebrows at me.

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