20. Chaos

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The moment I laid eyes on Kiana, and I took in the blood on the right side of her face, the broken mirror, her in a small bundle.

A murderous rage ripped the air from my lungs.

I darted forward, dropping to my knees in front of her.

"Who did this to you?" was all I could think to ask, wanting to kill whoever dared touch my wife.

Kiana's breathing is too fast, some strangled by sobs, then she grabbed hold of my blazer and pulled her body up against mine.

When she buried her face against my chest, her sobs turned to agonizing cries, her body jerking uncontrollably.

Something shifted inside me. And it was dark and dangerous.

I wrapped my arms around her, but her breathing grew too shallow.

"Kia?" Taking hold of her chin, some blood smearing on my fingers, I tried to look at her face.

She was so fucking pale, her eyes drifting shut and hiding terror.

"Kianaa!" I snapped, panic flooding my veins.

She lossed consciousness, and fear exploded in my chest. Pushing my arms beneath her body, I lifted her to my chest as I climbed to my feet.

"Baby," I groaned, holding her as close to me as I can while rushing out of the washroom.

Arhaan shooted past me, his features tight with worry. Guests spilled out of the entrance hall. I heard our parent's concerned questions.

I ran out the front door, my wife's limp body in my arms, sending fresh waves of fear through me with every step I took.

Arhaan had the backdoor to the car open, and careful not to hurt Kia, I climbed inside with her firmly in my hold.

I settled her on my lap and freeing my one arm, I was able to brush some hair from her ghostly pale face.

"Kiana, can you hear me?" She remained unresponsive as Akhil climbed behind the steering wheel. Soon we were racing down the driveway.

"Is she okay?" Akhil asked, his eyes darting between the road ahead and the rearview mirror.

"I..." I shook my head, crippling dread darkening my life.

"I don't know. Drive faster!"

Akhil increased the speed. Kia's head lolled to the side, her bloody cheek coming to a rest against my shoulder.

Her eyelashes fluttered and hope poured into me, causing me to feel dizzy.

"Baby." I leaned closer, using my fingers to wipe some of the blood away from her cheek, but I only make a bigger mess.

"Can you hear me?" She let out a disorientated groan, her eyes finally opened.

"I've got you. We'll be at the hospital soon."

"Two minutes," Akhil added.

Kia kept her eyes on me, her breaths steady, but there was no expression on her face.

She just stared at me, and it makes my worry explode into absolute chaos.

"Can you hear me?" I asked again, needing some kind of response from her.

But she blinked...


And fucking blinked.

"Baby," I groaned. It's unbearable seeing the woman I love more than my life itself covered in blood and fucking unresponsive.

God, help me.

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