22. Spying

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Kia had to spend one week in the hospital and I finally get to take her home.

With how vulnerable she has been since the attack, I couldn't stop hovering around her and bark at anyone who dared to come near her.

Ushering her into the penthouse, I kept an arm around her as I led her up the stairs and straight to bed.

I threw the covers back, then ordered, "Get some sleep."

"I'm tired of sleeping now," she complained.

"Tolerate me for one more day," I said caressing her face.

Once she was comfortably leaning back against the pillows, I set the clothes and medicines bag down.

Sitting down on the side of the bed, I lifted my hand and tucked some of her hair behind her ear, then murmured, "Welcome home."

Kia's mouth curved up, reaching for my hand, she linked our fingers. "You should probably have to get back to work now."

"Yes." I took a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "I have to deal with Saanvi"

Her eyes widened, "By deal, you mean...?"

Our eyes locked.

"I'm going to kill her." I gritted my teeth.

I pulled my hand free from hers, then framed her face. "No one fucking hurts my wife and lives. I can't let her live."

Kia's lips parted, her face going slack with shock.

"No, you are not." She squeezed my arm. "I don't want to have anyone's death on my conscience, so please, I beg you, forget about it."

"Kiana . . ."

"Please, we're closing that subject, as well. You are not killing anyone for me. I can't live with that. Please."

When I didn't reply, she took my face in her palms and pressed my forehead to hers.

"You won't kill her. If you love me, you won't make me bear anyone's death on my soul.Say you understand, Alishaan"

There is silence and then, "Okay."

Leaning forward, I took her mouth into mine. I kissed her with every ounce of my love, my wild passion - my heart and fucking soul.

Only when she moaned and I got to breathe the sound in, I broke the kiss. Pressing my forehead to hers, I was breathless as I said, "It's you and me only."

Her eyes brimmed with tears. "Ice cream?"

"What?" I chuckled as she pouted looking at me.

"It's you, me and my ice cream. How can you forget my ice cream?" She pouted making me look at her with horror.

"You are bad, I won't talk with you." She huffed looking to the opposite side.

"Sorry, sorry. It's you, me and your ice cream" I laughed and she squinted her eyes at me. Damn, woman.

I brushed the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip then locked eyes with her. Leaning down, I gave my wife another kiss and whispered, "Sleep,baby. I'll wake you when it's time to eat."


Instantly laughter bursted over the line. "You're making lunch? Are you shitting me right now?"

"Fuck off," I grumbled. "Bring me some mushrooms and fresh cream"

"Now I'm doing your grocery shopping?" Arhaan laughed.

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