23. Discover

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I fled down the stairs, my breaths were mere pants while I kept glancing frantically around me. My heart pounded harder and faster as I ran toward the front door.

I couldn't believe what just happened.

This wasn't real.

It's just a nightmare.

Why? Why did this happen?

I was inundated with panicked thoughts, and each one has me moving faster as I darted out of the house.

A sob bursted from me as I hurried to the mercedes parked out in the front yard.

Please, God. Help me.

Yanking the door open, I climbed into the back seat and asked the driver to start the car.

"Go! GoGoGo!" I shrieked as I glanced out the back window. "Just go!"

"Of course, mam but did Mr. Rajvansh approve it?"

"He doesn't need to approve anything for me. Please drive the car, please."

He fidgeted, visibly unsure of what to do, and it looks like I'll have to help him decide.

"Are you disobeying my direct request?"

"No, of course not, Mrs. Rajvansh. We will get going now" He quickly started the engine.

I do not like pulling rank with the staffs working for us, but sometimes it's necessary.

"Mrs. Rajvansh, where to?" The driver asked.

"Just drive!" I snapped as breathing fastened

My eyes flitted wildly around, and seeing the guards at the main gate multiplied my fear.

No, please.

All the guards glanced at me, and it made me hold my breath as the driver raced towards the gate.

Luckily, the gate started to open, and I breathed out as I chanted one silent prayer after another.

Why? Why Why Why?

Why did he have to kill her ? Why?

When I glanced in the rear view mirror, there was no sign of Alishaan, Ishaan, Arhaan and Akhil bhaiya and the driver managed to put a safe distance between the penthouse and us.

As soon as we left the boundary, he drove much faster. When we get onto the freeway, he went over the speed limit, and I felt a flicker of relief.

"Thank you," I said slowly and he nodded.

My thoughts were a jumbled mess, and the fear, shock, and panic have me spiraling into a dark pit of despair.

The traumatic incident replayed in my mind, and a sob bursted from me as the shock of what just happened rolls over me in shuddering waves.

Silent tears streamed down my cheeks, and I wrapped an arm around my middle and wiped the tears away as they fell.

I see Saanvi's body tied to the chair and Alishaan having a gun aimed at her forehead.

I keep seeing it. Over and over.

I covered my mouth with a trembling hand, unable to process the trauma.

Unbearable heartache shuddered through my body.

My tears fell silent over my cheeks as my grim reality reaped destruction in my soul.

But as I glanced out the back window again, my heart sank as I watched a Audi weave through traffic.

"Please go faster," I begged as I turned my attention to the driver.

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