27. Survive

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The shock was still raw and potent, crashing over me in waves.I loved her so fucking much.

She just kept staring at me while a tear slid down her cheek. The look in her eyes, as they bored into mine was of utter betrayal, and rage exploded in me.

How can she fucking do this to me?

I was going to ask her again, when her eyes darted to the somewhere behind me.

The look in her eyes was now off her face, and was replaced with sheer terror.

I was about to turn around when Kiana pulled me behind her turning me around as I stumbled trying gain my balance.

Before I was ready to neutralize the threat, two gunshots pierced the air, almost simultaneously.




The scene unfolded as if in slow-motion as I watched my wife fall on the ground with a thud.

A scream built inside me.

The moment stretched and time stopped.

I almost passed out on the spot as I stared at the red orifice formed under her breast.

I was thrown into an another universe where nothing made sense.

It was different to see a gun wound on my own body but no amount of experience could have prepared me to watch Kia lying on a pool of blood being shot.

Her breathing was hard, and when she looked up at me, there was a defending look in her eyes.

My hand was steady as I lifted my gun, and my breaths were even.

I was scarcely aware of the shouts coming from the driveway, getting nearer.

Maybe Arhaan and Akhil were here.

In a split second, I aimed at Sambhav's head and, without a trace of hesitation, pulled the trigger.


The gun fell from my hand, and then I was on my knees pulling Kia closer to my chest.

"Baby." A strangled whisper left my lips as she smiled at me though her eyes were spilling tears.

Her breaths wheezed over her lips, but still she managed to give a crooked smile.

My blood turned cold as she whispered, "I have always loved you, Alishaan. No. One. Else."

She lifted her hand to my jaw, and I took hold of it, pressing a kiss to her palm.


And the next second her eyes fluttered close making me lose my fucking mind.

"Look at me!" I screamed as her body got still in my embrace. Fuck, no!

"Alishaan, what the-" Arhaan's eyes widened as he saw Kiana lying unresponsive on my chest.

"Get the fucking car!" I shouted, staring at Kiana's arm and the blood pouring from the wound.

Pushing my arms beneath her body, I lifted her to my chest as I climbed to my feet.

"Baby," I groaned, holding her as close to me as I can while rushing out of the mansion.

I ran out of the mansion, Kia's limp body in my arms, sending fresh waves of fear through me with every step I took.

Arhaan had the backdoor to the car open, and careful not to hurt Kia, I climbed inside with her firmly in my hold.

I settled her on my lap and freeing my one arm, I was able to brush some hair from her ghostly pale face.

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