3. Drunk

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It's been two weeks to day of that bathroom incident and most probably Kiana and me had become kind of friends now?

Kiana put her journal between us, turned to Akhil and asked,

"Should I go and bring you another coffee?"

Akhil took a sip of his coffee and said,

"Oh no. Please don't bother."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes, absolutely. Don't worry at all. In fact today Arhaan, Ishaan, Ishaani, and I are going to a friend's house. Why don't you join?" Akhil asked.

She was already shaking her head before Akhil could even finish asking the question.

"No, no, Akhil bhaiya. I can't. You guys carry on."

I really was tempted to go. It would be good to catch up with them and let loose a little, but I really wanted her to join us.

Arhaan piped in again. "I insist, Kiana. It's only a few of us. There will be good food, some light music, some drinks, and just talking."

She bit her lip as she looked back and forth between the two of us. She met my eyes and, with a voice that was still hesitant, said,

"Okay. I'll go."

I gave a wide smile to Arhaan, trying not to show the excitement for both of us.

"We'll go in my car, I will pick you up."

That made her smile, and she gave me a nod of thanks and turned to walk out of my chamber, shaking her head.

Akhil and Arhaan have become friends with her now, three of them are dramatic as hell.

"So you sure about that?" Asked Akhil.

I turned to Arhaan and Akhil, who were looking at me with a serious expression on their faces.

"Sorry, sure about what?"

A smirk came over their face as they said, "Seems like you are quite whipped for someone"

I picked the coffee and took a sip and nodded at them.

"I am from childhood"


I waited by the car when Kiana stepped out of the house, stunning me.

She wore a short shimmery dress that delicately hugged her curves.

As she approached the car, I could see her eyes were lined with kohl and she wore light brown lipstick.

My mouth went dry, and my hand shook as I opened the door of the car.

Stopping her with a soft touch at her elbow, I had to clear my throat to speak.

"You look breathtaking."

Her cheeks darkened at my compliment, and her lips curved into a small smirk, telling me that she knew exactly what she did to me.

"Thank you."

We got into the car, and by the time I distracted myself from how hot she looked, we'd arrived at the address Arhaan had provided.

As soon as we got out of the car, I walked beside her, trying hard not to put my hand on the back of her waist.

"You're staring," she said, looking at me with a shy smile.

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