32. Yours

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I looked at the clock, it showed one thirty in the morning.

Alishaan dropped me at home and went to office with Ishaan in the afternoon because some emergency came up.

Hamesha ka hai.

Maa and Papa have gone to Maa's home because of some wedding functions. So, it's just me and Ishaani at home.

"I am sleepy, Aani." I stood up from the couch and Ishaani gave me puppy eyes.

"Don't leave me alone, Bhabs. I am scared" Ishaani gulped making me shiver as well.

So, I took a wise decision of watching a horror movie because I was pissed off with Alishaan and now we both are scared.

"I think we should go upstairs and sleep." I scratched my forehead.

"Wait, let me just turn off the tv then I will also join you." She turned off the tv and came running to me.

Intertwining our hands we both walked towards the staircase but the sound of the front door opening made our eyes widen with fear. Dear God.

I am just a baby and Aani is a baby as well. Please, help.

I stepped closer to Ishaani and tightened my hands around hers. I am sure my nails are piercing her soft skin.

"I told you that the story was based on true incidents.." I gulped.

"It's not what I-I think it is right" Ishaani whispered making me gasp.

"What if it is-aahhhhh," I screamed loudly closing my eyes as the door opened completely.

My scream followed by Ishaani's. We should actually try our lucks in orchestra.

Immediately lights flooded the entire hallway and two familiar figures came into our sight.

Alishaan and Ishaan.

"What the hell is going on?" I blinking my eyes nervously hearing Alishaan.

"And bhabhi, why are you shivering?" Ishaan asked.

"You fucking gave us a heart attacks, you idiots." Ishaani grumbled stomping her feet.

"You have a heart too?" Ishaan teased Ishaani.

"Yes just like the way you have brain in your knees." Ishaani countered back.



My eyes then landed on Alishaan who was looking at me with so much intensity. Shit, I am doomed.

"Why are you guys not sleeping till now?" Ishaan raised his brows.

"We were watching a movie." Ishaani said because I was too stunned to say something right at the moment.

"What movie?"

I nudged Ishaani's side to not say anything but to my dismay she blurred out "A newly released horror movie."


"Kiana?" Alishaan looked at me with disbelief while coming towards me.

"Disturbing your sleeping schedule will trigger migraine, you know that right? Why did you watch the movie?" He asked and Ishaani mouthed me a sorry walking towards Ishaan.

I kept my mouth shut and looked at Alishaan blinking my eyes innocently.

"I am asking something," Alishaan asked walking up to me and caressed my cheeks.

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