17. Little minx

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Soft hands ran through my hair. I roused from sleep to those magical hands running along my lower back.

Who knew that was my sweet spot?

When Kiana ran her fingers there, I seemed to lose my mind.

"Alishaan," Kiana whispered as she kissed my ear, all while she kept her hands on my back.

I groaned, wanting more of it but also wanting to stay on the bed forever.

"Alishaan, wake up," Kia said again, nudging my shoulders.Last night flashed in my mind and my eyes flew open.

There she was.

My wife.

How many times had I imagined waking up to this?

Her hair partition adorned with vermilion and she was dressed in a red clad saree with mangalsutra around her neck.

She sat beside my head and threaded her fingers in my hair. I turned and put my head in her lap.

Heaven. This was what heaven would be like.

"I could stay here forever," I mumbled in her lap.

"Ever and forever, husband" She whispered threading her fingers in my hair.

"Hmm.." I whispered and held her waist, anchoring myself to her as she rubbed her hand on my back.

"Get up, everyone must be waiting for us downstairs," She said placing soft kisses underneath my ear.

"Mhm." I hummed opening my eyes and looked at her through my drowsy eyes.

She pulled me back from my thoughts with a kiss on my jaw, and the desire swirled between us, erotic, passionate, and so fucking painful.

I sat up on the bed and pulled her closer to me. I brushed my thumb on her cheek, turned her face up so our eyes met.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked and slowly closed the short distance between us as she nodded softly.

I grazed my lips against hers, and sparks danced behind my eyes. I closed my arms around her and pulled her into me, lightly pressing our lips together.

A moan escaped her, or maybe it was me, and she pressed tighter against me.

She clutched my hair and deepened the kiss, making me groan in her mouth. My entire body buzzed with pleasure as I felt her soft body pressed against mine.

And I slowly pulled back.

I nuzzled my face in the crook of her neck and kissed her throat.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Good morning." She said hiding her face in my chest. A baby.

A knock interrupted our moment, cursing under my breath I parted away from the hug walked in to bathroom as Kiana opened the door.

I freshened up quickly and got ready for the day. And as I walked down the stairs I could feel Ishaan's eyes on me.

"Where is Kiana?" I asked and Ishaan smirked at me.

"Bhai, I wanted to ask you a question" He said and I raised my brows at him.

"Did you sleep well yesterday?" Ishaan asked and got a smack on head from Maa.

Well deserved.

"I was just asking" He frowned and rubbed his head.

"Maa, Kiana?" I asked again.

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