6. Solicitude

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"Are you even listening bhaii?" Ishaan snapped his fingers infront of me.

"Um yeah, make little changes in the end." I said fixing my glasses and suddenly Akhil laughed out loud followed by Arhaan.

"What?" I frowned as they continued laughing.

"Ishaan didn't even start, yar bhaii." Ishaani tsked at me as my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"Your brother is present here physically but mentally he's in Kerela." Arhaan said hi-fing with Akhil.

"Shut up and get out all of you." I shouted and all of them frowned.

"Why are getting all angry and-"

"May I come in?" A small voice interrupted Akhil and looked at the door to find Kia peeking her head in.

"Perfect timing, Kiana Didi." Ishaan chirped and pulled her inside my chamber.

"Um, I just completed this journal. Can you please check it?" She said forwarding her file towards me.

"Because of Alishaan, Kiana has become a workaholic now." Akhil spoke pouting.

This bitch.

"No, it's not like that." Kiana said creasing her brows and smacked Akhil's arm.

"Kiana : the obedient intern" Ishaan said and Akhil laughed with him.

"Ishaan," I glared at him and he bit his tongue murmuring a small sorry.

"I meant to say, Kiana didi : the obedient intern" He corrected himself and Arhaan bursted out laughing.

"Didi, let's get out of here." Ishaani said putting her arms around Kia's shoulder.

"But my file-"

"Do not worry I'm not gonna eat it" I cut her off and she pouted.

Boy, she needs stop pouting this much. It's really hard to control my urge of kissing her hard.

Ishaani and Kiana walked out of my cabin followed by the three monkeys too. I sighed and went through her journaling meanwhile.

I was way too occupied with my files when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I mouthed sighing a little and closed my eyes.

The headache is getting worse now I shouldn't have skipped the breakfast today. Ugh.

"Are you okay?"

Raspberry and lavender poured down my ears.

I opened my eyes slowly to find Kia standing infront of me with a concern look in her face.

Wait, is she by chance concerned about me?

"Are you okay?" She asked again and I sighed nodding a little.

"What happened?" She asked and I mouthed a nothing to her making her frown.

"Headache?" She interrogated and I hummed keeping my head down on my table as I heard the door closed behind her.

I opened my droopy eyes as I heard the door of my chamber opening again and Kiana entered with a roll-on in her hand.

"It's okay, there was no need of-"

"Talking too much increases headache." She cut me off coming around my table.

Standing behind my chair she applied some roll-on on the side of my forehead and between my eyebrows.

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