25. Unknown

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My thoughts came to a halt as my phone buzzed on the nightstand. Detangling myself from the sheets I got a hold my phone.

Unknown number.

"Hello ?" I answered taking a seat on the bed.

"Hello, Mrs. Rajvansh. I hope you are doing well" The person other side replied.

My heart pounded like hell as I asked, "Who?"

"Did you really think you could get away from me, you little bitch?"

Wh..what ?

"What? Who's this?" I asked gulping a little.

"Oh, sweetheart. You don't remember me?"

Chutiya hai kya ?


"It's Sambhav Singhania "

Saanvi's brother.

Did he come to know about Alishaan killing Sa- NO.

"What do you need?" I said trying to make my voice sound calm.

"You. I need you, babygirl." He barked.

"I am happily married. So, please don't try to-"

"Come to the address I sent you in fifteen minutes" He laughed making me gulp.

"I am not going anywhere and I am blocking your number this instant" I countered back.

"You are still the same, baby. Well, I can kill you or even better, I can kill your husband. Would you like to see that bastard ending up gutted on street with his car blown up?" He chuckled.


"You wouldn't mind if one of my men waiting infront of his office would shot him, right ?"

I gripped the edge of the bed beside me, "Please, don't."

A crazy laugh came from the other side of the line. "Oh, so finally the you have fallen in love, huh ? How convenient." He snorted.

"So, what will it be? Are you coming? Or am I killing your lover?"

"You won't touch Alishaan" I closed my eyes, trying to keep the tears from falling.

"I'm coming."

"I like this submissive nature of yours, baby. But keep one thing in mind. If he comes after you, he will be killed the instant. Do you understand?"


He laughed again. "I'm so looking forward to having you here, baby.Come fast so that I can make you cum fast"


I threw the phone onto the bed and stare at my reflection on the mirror.

It's over.

One deep breath. Then another one.

I walked to the washroom and locked the door, removing my clothes I turned on the water to
scorching hot, and got inside the shower stall.

The moment the spray hit me, I leaned my back on the tiles. My entire body felt heavy with the weight
of what I must do.

My head dropped forward first, then my legs gave out, and I sank to the floor. I wrapped my arms tightly around my knees and pulled them close to my chest.

I have nothing left to cling to, so this has to do. Maybe, if I squeeze tight enough, I'll be able to hold the shattering pieces of me together.

With the door locked, and the water drowning out all other sounds, I finally let myself break down. My tears, mixed with the shower stream, vanish down the drain.

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