9. Baby tigress

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A wave of nerves crashed against my insides and drowned out the lingering melancholy.

Tonight would be my first time spending an entire evening with Alishaan.

I turned on the shower and stepped beneath the spray of hot water, trying not to panic too much at what lay ahead of me.

It's alright. It's alright.

I washed my hair, showered, shaved, and exfoliated with record speed instead of lingering in the shower like I wanted.

But despite my rush, I was still doing my makeup in my bathrobe when the doorbell rang.

Alishaan wasn't supposed to show up for another half hour, may be Mamma Papa had returned.

I was home alone today because Mamma Papa had went to the doctors.

I jumped when the doorbell rang again. Had it always been so loud?

I capped my mascara and ran down the stairs. I slowed to a stop at the front door and opened the door.

Alishaan stood infront the door, looking even more devastating than usual in a black tuxedo.

A tingle of awareness spread across my skin, mixed with curiosity at the box in his hands.

"You're early." I said slowly.

Getting ready was my favorite part of an event. Sometimes, I liked it better than the event itself.

"You're not dressed." Alishaan's gaze coasted from my half-done face to my bare beige-painted toes.

"Because you're early."

He ignored the pointed reminder.

"May I come in?"

The air shifted the minute he entered. Why did I allow him to enter anyway?

The heat seeped through the thick terrycloth of my robe and curled low in my stomach as his eyes swept across the room.

He held out the box and said,

"This is for you."

"What is it?" I asked raising my brows.

"Your dress for tonight."

My heart skipped a beat listening to him.

I couldn't resist opening the box and holyfuck. The second I saw the dress I gasped out loud.

This dress might be the most stunning thing I've ever seen.

"Thank you. This is..." I ran a reverent hand over the blue satin.

"so pretty."

"Try it on. See if it fits." Alishaan leaned against the wall, his eyes glowing with soft satisfaction.

"I'll be here."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I ran to my room upstairs as I heard him chuckling a little.

The second I shut my door, I slipped out of my robe and into the dress. Fuck.

I sucked in a sharp breath. Every inch of silk clung to my body like it'd been custom made for me.

It was perfect.

I finished getting ready and re checked everything again.

I studied myself with a deep breath before I walked down the stairs.

Alishaan was sitting on couch while going through his phone maybe replying to emails?

I cleared my throat.

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