34. Beauty sleep

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Waking up with my back pressed to Alishaan's solid chest and his arms wrapped around me was surreal.

I burrowed against his chest, the warmth from his body seeping into mine while he gently caressed my belly.

“Morning,” Alishaan grumbled into my hair.

“Morning.” I turned around to face him, giving him a sleepy grin.

Lifting my left hand, I brushed my fingers through his messy hair. “It’s unfair that you look handsome in the morning.”

“Says the sleeping beauty in my arms.” He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"Let me get up I desperately need a shower," I murmured playing with his fingers which are intertwined with mine.

"And I desperately need you." He mumbled pressing a kiss to the side of my forehead.

"Aren't you getting late for the office?" I asked frowning a little.

“Work can fucking wait,” He grumbled, his voice low and deep.

I hugged one of the pillows to my chest while Alishaan spooned me against his chest.

It felt like his body engulfed mine, and an overwhelming sense of safety
surrounded me.

With his mouth near my ear, he whispered, "You okay?"

I turned around and wrapped my arm around his waist snuggling as close to him as I could, mumbling, “Yes.”

He placed his hand behind my head, and I’ve never felt more treasured.

Alishaan pressed a kiss to my hair. I tilted my head back looking at him, his eyes drift over my face and the corner of his mouth lifts, making
him look way too hot.

"Stop making me feel aroused all the time!" I muttered scrunching my nose.

He rolled onto his back, a burst of laughter shaking his body.

I crawled over him and straddle his hips. I placed my hands on his chest leaning over him and noticed myself wearing his shirt and asked,

“When did you made me wear your shirt?”

“While you were busy completing your beauty sleep,” He continued to tease

I shifted my ass over his dick and his expression turned from playful to
predatory in a split second.

I rubbed myself over him again watching desire darken his eyes,
making me feel sensual and beautiful.

Lifting his hands, he gripped hold of my hips before he moved up the bed
so he can lean back against the headboard.

“I love seeing you in my shirt,” He murmured as he cupped my breast
through the fabric.

“It looks sexy on you.”

My voice was seductive as I whispered,“Yeah?”

I undid a few buttons. “How about

The smirk on his face made arousal coat my inner thighs and my
abdomen clench with need.

“I love that even more.” The words rumbled from him as he leaned closerto press a kiss between my tits.

He pushes the shirt to the side, then his teeth tugged at my nipple. “So much more.”

I felt his hand pushed down between us, and when his thumb pressed against my clit, my body jerked from how tender I felt.

“Shhh, baby. I’ll make it better,” He murmured.

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