11. Heartbeat

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"Kiana," The deep voice echoed in the room.

My pen dropped from my mouth, smacking the glossy surface of the conference table.

"I'm going to need an answer." My back straightened in my chair, my gaze meeting a pair of brown eyes as I cleared my throat.

Shit. I totally blanked out.

"Yes, yes-ahem. Coming right up, Mr. Rajvansh." I rushed out.

"Just mentally recapping."

I watched the corner of his lips tip up, his eyes simmering with anticipation I was more than familiar with. My heart skipped a beat.

"Ronit, if you could maybe assist Kiana as she mentally recaps," Alishaan said, raising his brows.

"We all have places to be, and I'd appreciate being through with this meeting in the next five minutes."

"Of course," His personal assistant smirked and looked at me through the corner of his eyes.This bitch.

"I'm sure Kian- I mean Ms. Malhotra was being very thorough with the notes she was taking."

"Yes, I was doing exactly that." I confirmed, looking over at him my cheeks flushed as he chuckled a little.

I sent him a wobbly smile and mouthed, thanks as I heard Alishaan's deep exhale.

Impatient and sexy brown-eyed grump.

"Mr. Rajvansh was suggesting, now that your internship will be ending, you can probably try to apply for a vaccancy here." 

Ronit explained, his fingers fumbling on top of his file.

"Do you think you can make that work, Kiana?" Alishaan asked.

"One hundred percent."

"I'll make sure to do that but I hope you all don't mind if I take a break." My shoulders bunched as I smiled.

"Of course, Ms. Malhotra. " Ronit said with a small smirk resting on his lips.

"Thank you," I said, as I cleared my throat.

"All right, I'll consider that done,"

Alishaan said and I looked at him just in time to see him checking the clock behind me.

"Meeting's wrapped up. Have a-"

"But, sir… Ronit called, his voice dancing with trepidation,

"what about…"

"Whatever it is, it will have to wait for Monday. Have a great weekend everyone." He pushed back the chair and stood up.

I internally sighed.


Snapping out of my temporary trance, I straightened too, gathering all my things together.

"Coming, coming."

I walked to where Alishaan was waiting for me, right by the door.

He lowered his voice. "You were awfully distracted today."

A retort was ready to leave my lips, but the way he looked at me, with that deep concern that melted my heart.

"So what? I am just a baby" I said making a pout. I cringed.

"I know," He chuckled.

We entered the empty elevator, and he stood close beside me,our arms brushing softly.

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