28. Let go

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Dark. Only dark.

I tried opening my eyes but failed.

Hushed words. Light. More hushed words, but I can't decipher their meaning. Weird.

I am alive, right?

Coming to my senses, my body instinctively curled into a small ball. Pain seered through me, ripping an agonizing breath from me.

I tried to open it again but a strong light beam blinded me.

Waking up, I blinked against the bright light streaming into the room.

There's nothing in there. No emotions. No thoughts.

Heartache squeezed my insides and emotions crashed through me. The stabbing ache in my chest makes it impossible to breathe for a moment.

I tried to take a deep breaths, testing the pain in my chest, and when the sharp ache stopped my lungs from expanding any further, I slowly let the air out.

The physical pain has been dulled by drugs. I know that.

It's just the mental and emotional sides that were chaotic. My mind growing foggy from the painkillers.

I felt it wash through me, the physical pain lessening until I was numb.

I didn't fall asleep. Drowsily I lied, feeling paralyzed, and it made everything worse.

It hurts so much.

I don't want to think about the cause of that pain. How Alishaan looked at me or the words he said to me.

Most importantly, I don't want to think about how he seemed like he was going to kill me.

My chin began to tremble as my eyes grew heavy. A sob drifted over my lips, and it sounded lost.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Again I glanced at the bed, I was in his penthouse.

I tried to pull myself into a sitting position, then, all at once, everything flooded back.

Alishaan getting angry.

Me getting shot.

Pins and needles turned me into a block of ice. My lips parted, then my heart sank to the deepest pits of hell.

Breathing hurts like freaking hell.

I was not emotionally equipped to deal with any of this. Getting shot. Being doubted..

"Bhabhi," Two high pitched sound echoed in the room making me hiss.

"Oh my god, bhabhi." Ishaan shrieked coming towards me followed by Ishaani.

Both of them settled down beside me giving me a wobbly smile.

How much I missed them.

"Kaise ho, bhabhi ke do anmol ratan?" I asked blinking my eyes and it took all of their strength to not burst into tears.

(How are you)

"We were so scared, bhabhi." Ishaani sobbed while Ishaan's eyes got filled with tears.

"You scared the shit out of us by not waking up," She cried caressing my hand.

"I was out for how many hours?" I asked trying control my tears.

But suddenly I heard the door of the room open, and slowly my eyes move past Ishaan. The second I saw Alishaan, a sob fluttered over my lips.

It took the last of my strength to turn my face away from him and close my eyes.

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