18. Crazy

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I am done. I am so done with my husband.

I sat on the bed reading my novel with a pout on my face because my husband has gone to office for an important buisness meeting.

Everything is important except me.

After cursing him for the fifth time, I opened his chat and dropped him a text

Kiana : You are sleeping on the couch today.

After waiting for thirty minutes a notification popped on my phone.

Alishaan : And you over me. Right?

Why are my cheeks heating up? Ugh.

Kiana : Keep dreaming.

Alishaan : You under me and your legs on my shoulders is my dream.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck !

Kiana : I -

Alishaan : What are you doing?

Kiana : Trying to find a comfortable place so that I can read my novel.

Alishaan : You mean my lap? Will reach home in two, manage till then.

He is so....ugh.

I immediately turned off my phone and ran downstairs to Maa.

"Maa?" I called exiting our room and descended the stairs slowly.

Where is everyone today?

"Maaa?" I called again as I reached the living room but still got no reply.


"Aahh!" I jumped screaming loudly as suddenly I was up in the air.

In someone's arms to be precised.

"Shh.. it's me," Alishaan chuckled kissing my cheeks as I glared at him hard.


"Alishaan," Papa called and I immediately jumped off Alishaan's arms widening my eyes.

I looked around to find Maa and Papa standing at the entrance looking at us.

Shit, Shit, Shit.

"A-actually my foot slipped that's why he picked me up," I said slowly hiding behind Alishaan as Maa chuckled.

"Haan yeh sabhi naye shaadi shuda couples ke sath hota hai" Ishaan laughed as he came inside the mansion.

(Yes that happens with every newly married couple)

"Shut up, Ishaan" Maa snapped at him.

Nice. Well deserved.

"We need to talk about something." Papa said as he settled on the couch with Maa beside him.

"What is it?" Alishaan asked raising his brows as he settled infront of them.

"We need to arrange a reception party so as to introduce Kiana," Papa said looking at me.

"Are you okay with that?" Alishaan whispered in my ear and I nodded softly.

"Okay but after a week." Alishaan said and Maa frowned looking at him.

"Don't tell me you have work." Maa snapped at him.

"Maa it's important." Alishaan sighed licking his lips.

Well, I want to lick it to- wait shut up, Kiana!

"Okay okay fine." Maa huffed walking into her room and Papa followed her.

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